[presentation-api] list of displays: should it address display name, language, etc.?

aphillips has just created a new issue for 

== list of displays: should it address display name, language, etc.? 
The I18N working group is doing some housekeeping and found that we 
didn't forward the below 
[issue](https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/113). Apologies 
for being late with this. Note that this may already be addressed by 
other threads about language.


Section: The list of available presentation displays

This section contains the directive that:

>    The user agent MUST keep a list of available presentation 
displays. This current list of presentation displays may be used for 
starting new presentations, and is populated based on an 
implementation specific discovery mechanism. It is set to the most 
recent result of the algorithm to monitor the list of available 
presentation displays.

This list appears to be identified using URLs for each presentation 
display. The specification is silent about such issues as display 
name, sorting order, etc. These issues may affect actual 
implementation, even though this API doesn't really address the issue.
 Should it?

Please view or discuss this issue at 
https://github.com/w3c/presentation-api/issues/315 using your GitHub 

Received on Sunday, 12 June 2016 16:34:08 UTC