Re: ACTION-19 contact api review / feedback

I do love iteratator approach tho it would not solve our performance
issues in the way that phonegap has to be implemented.

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:41 AM,  <> wrote:
> On 7.10.2009 4.42, "ext Brian LeRoux" <> wrote:
>> Groups can be very useful and, one use case in particular, would be to
>> support subsets of your contacts. For example: Friends, Family, Work,
>> Work Friends. Very helpful for filtering messages and knowing whom is
>> appropriate for that next chain email you need to send out.
>> I would like to recommend: MAY enable the ability to CRUD groups of contacts.
> +1
>> Something we ran into with PhoneGap was the need to paginate results.
>> Some of the platforms support this out of the box. Others don't seem
>> to be worried about any user experience lag related to painting 5000+
>> contacts to a mobile screen. At any rate, loading 1000's of contact
>> object literals into an array was rather cpu intensive. I would like
>> to recommend:
>> SHOULD provide an interface for pagination of contacts listing.
> The performance issue is a valid point. We could also use an iterator to
> tackle this (see Nokia's strawman proposal for Contacts API [1]). Yet
> another alternative would be to combine an iterator with pagination (e.g.
> the API returns an iterator of arrays where each array contains requested
> number of contact objects). Btw. this API design decision has implications
> to other interfaces dealing with large number of objects as well.
> IMHO one potential downside of the iterator approach is that it's not as
> convenient to work with as arrays. With arrays we have built-in support for
> e.g. Array.prototype augmentation, length property and useful array methods
> such as concat(), push(), pop() etc.
> For reference, Mozilla has been experimenting with iterators in JavaScript
> 1.7 [2].
>> And finally I'd like to raise an issue. If we offer the idea of
>> pagination then it wouldn't be too far to assume that a search
>> interface should be offered. Thoughts?
> Surely there should be a search interface. Otherwise developers would end up
> fetching all the contacts and searching though them in JavaScript which is
> slow if the number of contacts is large. This UC can be implemented without
> a specific interface, but there are performance concerns.
>> In summary:
>> MAY enable the ability to CRUD groups of contacts.
>> SHOULD provide an interface for pagination of contacts listing.
> I'd also add:
> MAY provide an interface to search through contacts.
> (Perhaps we'll have to do some pruning and decide what will fit in v1.)
> -Anssi
> [1]
> <
> tacts.html#contact_iterator_interface>
> [2] <>

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2009 16:53:26 UTC