[ISSUE-61] The TAG encourages discussion of the "Usage Patterns For Client-Side URI parameters" working draft

On it's teleconference today (unapproved minutes at [1]), the TAG 
discussed its recently published working draft "Usage Patterns For 
Client-Side URI parameters " [2,3].  From the introduction:

"...with Web 2.0 applications increasingly moving traditional client-side 
applications to the Web, we are now seeing a variety of design patterns 
beginning to emerge with respect to how client-side URI parameters are 
used in order to influence client interaction. The need to remain 
consistent with the prevalent Web architecture has seen these design 
patterns build on the existing mechanism of fragment identifiers in URIs. 
This finding enumerates the various emerging patterns along with their 
associated use cases as a means of documenting existing practice on the 
Web. "

The TAG hopes to evolve this early draft into a formal TAG finding, or 
perhaps a full W3C Recommendation.  At this point, we solicit comments 
from the public on the draft just published, and we welcome ideas and 
suggestions for improving figure versions.   Thank you very much.


P.S. Tracker:  this email should discharge ACTION-266.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2009/05/07-minutes#item06
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/hash-in-uri/
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-hash-in-uri-20090415/

Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Thursday, 7 May 2009 20:19:49 UTC