RE: ISSUE-6: User Interface Issues for Mobile Browsing

> I agree on extending 10.1, possibly with a sub-section "10.0.1 UI 
> Issues in Mobile Browsing" giving a very brief summary and then a 
> link to my contribution. But we need to agree also where to store 
> the contribution itself. Maybe the Wiki's DocsRepository? This is 
> the least we should do.

Yes, I agree, it should be there so we can reference it. 

Would you draft 10.0.1 as well? 

> I also think that some parts of this could be incorporated into 
> section "6 Use Cases". The current text is desktop browser focused 
> with a static user. It should be possible to capture the case when a
> user is on the move and uses her phone to visit a web site to e.g. 
> pay a bill or retrieve some information after logging in.

Do you want to propose a use case to add?

> Regarding the applicability, I think we should sync on this with 
> upcoming Action-239.

Yes, ACTION-239 should not be able to avoid this (and note I just used the 
UPCASE version of the identifier, so now Tracker will point to this, for 
Jan Vidar's convenience). 

> Luis

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 21:25:22 UTC