w3process-ISSUE-127 (Horizontal Group Input): Can we improve input from 'horizontal' groups (WAI, I18N, ...) [Process Document]

w3process-ISSUE-127 (Horizontal Group Input): Can we improve input from 'horizontal' groups (WAI, I18N, ...) [Process Document]


Raised by: Steve Zilles
On product: Process Document

Horizontal groups have the difficult task of helping with the development of all the specifications being developed within the W3C. These groups have expertise that is (often, unfortunately) not well represented in the WG developing a particular specification. How can the concerns of the ‘horizontal’ groups best be input into the process? Review at Last Call can be too late.

This was actually addressed prior to Process2014 when W3C put into its guidebook that the Team is obligated to look at horizontal review even prior to releasing a Charter.

What seems to be needed is a working mechanism that allows Horizontal Groups (which are often very resource limited) to effectively understand when a WG's document is complete enough (understandable) to allow a review, but not so complete that changes to fix discovered issues are difficult or impractical.

Received on Saturday, 13 September 2014 12:09:58 UTC