I18N-ISSUE-222: 'Going beyond HTML for bidi' needs modification [unicode-xml]

I18N-ISSUE-222: 'Going beyond HTML for bidi' needs modification [unicode-xml]


Raised by: Richard Ishida
On product: unicode-xml

3.3 Bidi Embedding Controls (LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF), U+202A..U+202E

"This document goes beyond HTML and recommends that only the markup should be used."

I believe that HTML5 recommends use of markup rather than control characters where possible, so the sentence no longer goes beyond HTML. 

However, there are situations where markup is not available (attribute values, title element, textarea, etc.). A note to recognise this would be appropriate.

Received on Friday, 18 January 2013 16:49:20 UTC