Re: [html-media-capture] capture vs. accept ( LC-2642)

 Dear fantasai ,

The Device APIs Working Group has reviewed the comments you sent [1] on the
Last Call Working Draft [2] of the HTML Media Capture published on 12 Jul
2012. Thank you for having taken the time to review the document and to
send us comments!

The Working Group's response to your comment is included below.

Please review it carefully and let us know by email at if you agree with it or not before 18 September
2012. In case of disagreement, you are requested to provide a specific
solution for or a path to a consensus with the Working Group. If such a
consensus cannot be achieved, you will be given the opportunity to raise a
formal objection which will then be reviewed by the Director during the
transition of this document to the next stage in the W3C Recommendation


For the Device APIs Working Group,
Dave Raggett
Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux
W3C Staff Contacts



Your comment on :
> Hi!
> I was wondering, how is 'capture' different from 'accept'? It seems to
> me the
> following are equivalent:
>    capture      accept
>   ----------------------
>    camera       image/*
>    camcorder    video/*
>    microphone   audio/*
>    filesystem   */*
> ~fantasai

Working Group Resolution (LC-2642):
No changes to the specification are needed, please see


> Not only would this avoid duplication, it also avoids conflicts like
> <input capture=microphone accept='image/*'>

I believe the spec does address this:

"The HTMLInputElement interface's accept attribute takes precedence over 
the capture attribute. That is, if the accept attribute's value is set 
to a MIME type that is not accepted in a defined capture state, the user 
agent must act as if there was no capture attribute."



Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 20:00:29 UTC