RDF-ISSUE-90 (LV-entailment): Define a simple form of ???literal value entailment??? [RDF Semantics]

RDF-ISSUE-90 (LV-entailment): Define a simple form of “literal value entailment” [RDF Semantics]


Raised by: Richard Cyganiak
On product: RDF Semantics

Define a simple form of graph equivalence that is like graph isomorphism, but allows substitution of literals by equal-valued other lexical forms. This would help with test cases and the like. It could be defined as a form of entailment (LV-Entailment, a small extension to Simple Entailment) or as an extension to graph isomorphism.

(Would the old RDF-Entailment then simply be LV-Entailment over a datatype map that contains only rdf:XMLLiteral?)

Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 14:09:15 UTC