Incomplete naming of technique

Name: Guy Moreau
Affiliation: HRSDC (Goverment of Canada)
Document: TD
Item Number: F3
Part of Item: Description
Comment Type: editorial
Summary of Issue: Incomplete naming of technique
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
The draft adds: "[begin add]This failure would apply equally in a case where the background image was declared in the HTML style attribute, as well as in a case where the background image declaration was created dynamically in a client script (see example 3 below).[end add]" but the title does not reflect this significant and wonderful addition.

The proprose change makes the naming more general and applicable to all ways to provide an non-decorative img and also give a subtle hint what solution.

Proposed Change:
Modify name to:
Failure of [...] due to not using the img tag for images that [...]

Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 12:48:12 UTC