Re: ISSUE-95: Template Simplifications


Reflecting on your issues with the circularity and ³crossing of the meta
levels², isnıt this exactly the same as in RDFS?

rdfs:Resource a rdfs:Class ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
	rdfs:label "Resource" ;
	rdfs:comment "The class resource, everything." .

rdfs:Class a rdfs:Class ;
	rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
	rdfs:label "Class" ;
	rdfs:comment "The class of classes." ;
	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .

Irene Polikoff

On 10/28/15, 5:49 PM, "Arthur Ryman" <> wrote:

>As per our SOP, I have added a comment with proposals to the Proposal
>page in the wiki [1]. Please review. Thx.
>-- Arthur

Received on Thursday, 29 October 2015 03:50:39 UTC