Re: I added some comments to the wiki page for ISSUE-37

hello ashok.

On 2012-12-10 10:25 , "Ashok Malhotra" <> wrote:
>How about we split the last row into 3 rows:
>- How to create and delete collections?

good one. and actually, we're working on an atompub extension to cover
this case, and i gets weird because atompub allows one collection to show
up in more than one workspace. so can you "unlink" it from a workspace and
the last "unlink" is a delete? the devil, as always, is in the details
when you actually try to do things.

>- Do collection have structure?  The row says no but collections do have
>metadata, right?

yes. all i wanted to say is that collections are just a set of entries,
and cannot be nested.

>- Can collections contain collections i.e. are collections hierarchical?
>(we may decide, no)

this is a very important point. it raises complexity considerably. and
some proposals were implicitly suggesting that by basically turning
entries into collections (an entry can have any number of attachments,
each of those then has metadata and associated content).

sounds like a good proposal to me, but maybe fold 2 and 3 into one? maybe
it was just my poor choice of words about "collection structure".



Received on Monday, 10 December 2012 22:38:23 UTC