[css-ui] Capturing issues in the spec

Hi Tantek,

You have recently added in the css-ui spec a mention of every remaining open issues. I noticed a few of problems:

1) You've added the issues without marking them up as issues. Starting each issue paragraph with "Issue:" will should be enough to let bikeshed to add the right class, generate the issue index, etc.

2) "Open Issue 50" links to issue 48 in the wiki

3) The issue which you have called in the spec "Open Issue 54" and linked to Issue 54 in the wiki actually corresponds to issue 55 in the wiki. Issue 54 is something else.

4) Issue 65 is marked as closed in the wikis, and there is no mention of it in the spec. However, the discussion is still open, as the change you made to the spec isn't the one the WG had resolved on. To make sure we don't lose track of it, I've added it to the wiki as issue 71: https://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css3-ui?&#issue-71

 - Florian

Received on Sunday, 1 February 2015 15:44:40 UTC