Re: EC Point Representations

Just to close the loop on this: There's no spec action required at this

If/When the WG introduces additional curves - such as Curve25519 - the spec
can be updated to move the ECPoint conversion into handling the
key-specific bits.

Curve25519 is also something that would prohibit the ECDSA signatures that
follow X9.62, so a spec update is required anyways.

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 11:43 PM, Jim Schaad <> wrote:

> As a heads up for those not following the cfrg mailing list at the IETF.
> It is possible that we will need to make the ECPoint typedef be a property
> of the curve rather than the algorithm name.  There are discussions about
> the curve Curve25519 and it’s point representation which do not use the
> X9.62 specification and in fact are specified as being little endian rather
> than big endian.  (They are looking at only passing the x if I understand
> things correctly but that is a big if at this point.)
> jim

Received on Thursday, 13 February 2014 04:41:41 UTC