COVID19 RDF Dataset

Dear all,

We (The DICE research group team <>) are happy to
introduce our novel RDF dataset COVID19-DS. Our RDF dataset is based on
papers related to the COVID-19 and coronavirus-related research (CORD-19
<>). In the current version
of COVID19-DS we provide resources’ dereferencing via LodView
<>  in addition to dump files download and SPARQL
endpoint. We also preserve the provenance information about the source of
each paper in our dataset. Moreover, we provide linking to other datasets
(currently 1 dataset, more to come soon).


   SPARQL endpoint:

   Example resource:

   GitHub: <>

   Download: <>

Stay tuned for future versions of the dataset.

Kind regards,

*The COVID19-DS Development Team*

*PS: Example resource:*

covid:PMC1616946 a swc:Paper,



        schema:ScholarlyArticle ;

    bibtex:hasAuthor covid:ChristineAnderson,


        covid:MichaelHoward ;

    prov:hadPrimarySource covid:nonCommercialUseDataset ;

    covid:hasBody covid:PMC1616946_Body ;

    covid:hasDiscussion covid:PMC1616946_Discussion ;

    covid:hasIntroduction covid:PMC1616946_Introduction .

covid:PMC1616946_Introduction covid:hasSection





        covid:PMC1616946_Section6 .

covid:PMC1616946_Section1 a sdo:Section ;

    nif:isString "The standard triplet readout of the genetic code can be
reprogrammed by signals in the mRNA to induce ribosomal frameshifting
[reviewed in (1–3)]. Generally, the resulting trans-frame protein product
is functional and may in some cases be expressed in equal amounts to the
product of standard translation. This elaboration of the genetic code (4,5)
demonstrates versatility in decoding." ;

    bibtex:hasTitle "INTRODUCTION" .

covid:PMC1616946_Section1_B1_1 a nif:Phrase ;

    nif:anchorOf "1" ;

    nif:beginIndex "140"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;

    nif:endIndex "141"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;

    nif:referenceContext covid:PMC1616946_Section1 ;

    its:taIdentRef covid:PMC1616946_B1_1 .

covid:PMC1616946_B1_1 a bibtex:Entry ;

    bibtex:Inbook "159-183" ;

    bibtex:hasAuthor covid:DMDunn,



        covid:RFGesteland ;

    bibtex:hasTitle "Ribosomal frameshifting from −2 to +50 nucleotides" ;

    bibtex:hasVolume "39" ;

    bibtex:hasYear 1990 ;

    schema:EventVenue "Prog. Nucleic Acid Res. Mol. Biol." .

covid:PMC1616946_Figure1A_1 a sdo:Figure ;

    bibtex:hasTitle "Figure 1: (A) Reporter construct design: cis- and
trans-acting stimulators of frameshifting. Sequence of the shift site and
downstream sequences for dual luciferase constructs containing cis-acting
structures used in this paper. P2luc-AZ1wt contains the wild-type antizyme
frameshift cassette, p2luc-AZ1-0sp has a 3 bp deletion of the spacer
sequences separating the shift site from the pseudoknot and p2luc-AZ1hp
contains a hairpin replacement of the pseudoknot structure. S1 and S2 refer
to stem 1 and stem 2 of the RNA pseudoknot. L1 and L2 refer to loops 1 and
2 of the pseudoknot. Fluc and Rluc represent Firefly and Renilla luciferase
genes, respectively. (B) Sequence of the shift site and downstream
sequences for dual luciferase constructs and their complementary antisense
oligonucleotide partners. Fluc and Rluc represent Firefly and Renilla
luciferase genes, respectively." .

covid:nonCommercialUseDataset a prov:Entity ;




Dr. rer. nat. Mohamed Ahmed Sherif   
Data Science group
Department of Computer Science
University of Paderborn

Room TP6.3.306,
Technologiepark 6, 33100 Paderborn <>

Tel: +49 (0) 5251 60-1708 <+49%205251%20601708>

DICE Data Science Group

Received on Wednesday, 13 May 2020 08:36:13 UTC