ReSpec patch for IE9+

Today is Thanksgiving [1] in the US, where we remember and are thankful for all the blessings in our lives. One thing I am grateful for is ReSpec which helps make many W3C spec-editor's lives easier. Thanks Robin!

I've noticed that in IE9+ when viewing specs that utilize ReSpec (for example, the Contacts API [2]), I would get the following error (see also attached screenshot): "Processing error: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'evaluate'".


'evaluate', of course, is the API used to execute XPath queries on the DOM using the W3C DOM Level 3 XPath WG Note [3]. Until such time as IE implements XPath support, I'd love to see ReSpec work as well on IE9+ as any other modern web browser. To that end, I wrote up a quick-and-dirty patch (below and attached) that adds the specific XPath support that ReSpec needs for browsers without 'evaluate' support. I've tested it on IE9+ and it seems to work.

Older versions of IE would require many more shims, and since most of us here at Microsoft are using the most current versions of IE, I didn't bother making it work for IE < 9.

The patch can simply be dropped in at the bottom of the file with no side-effects for UAs that have existing XPath support.

I hope you'll accept this patch to give your IE9+ users a reason to also be thankful for ReSpec!



----Patch contents----

// ReSpec XPath substitute JS workaround for UA's without DOM L3 XPath support
// By Travis Leithead (travil AT microsoft dotcom)
// (select APIs and behaviors specifically for ReSpec's usage of DOM L3 XPath; no more an no less)
// For IE, requires v.9+
(function () {
    if (!document.evaluate) {
        // interface XPathResult
        // Augments a generic JS Array to appear to be an XPathResult (thus allowing [] notation to work)
        window.XPathResult = function (list) {
            list.snapshotLength = list.length;
            list.snapshotItem = function (index) { return this[index]; };
            return list;
        window.XPathResult.prototype.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 7;
        window.XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE = 7;

        // interface XPathEvaluator
        // Not exposed to the window (not needed)
        function XPathEvaluator(assignee) {
            var findElementsContainingContextNode = function (element, contextNode) {
                var allUpList = document.querySelectorAll(element);
                var resultSet = [];
                for (var i = 0, len = allUpList.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (allUpList[i].compareDocumentPosition(contextNode) & 16)
                return resultSet;
            var allTextCache = null;
            var buildTextCacheUnderBody = function () {
                if (allTextCache == null) {
                    var iter = document.createNodeIterator(document.body, 4, function () { return 1; }, false);
                    allTextCache = [];
                    while (n = iter.nextNode()) {
                // Note: no cache invalidation for dynamic updates...
            var getAllTextNodesUnderContext = function (contextNode) {
                var candidates = [];
                for (var i = 0, len = allTextCache.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (allTextCache[i].compareDocumentPosition(contextNode) & 8)
                return candidates;
            var findAncestorsOfContextNode = function (element, contextNode) {
                var allUpList = document.querySelectorAll(element);
                var candidates = [];
                for (var i = 0, len = allUpList.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (allUpList[i].compareDocumentPosition(contextNode) & 16)
                return candidates;
            var findSpecificChildrenOfContextNode = function (contextNode, selector) { // element.querySelectorAll(":scope > "+elementType)
                var allUpList = contextNode.querySelectorAll(selector);
                // Limit to children only...
                var candidates = [];
                for (var i = 0, len = allUpList.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if (allUpList[i].parentNode == contextNode)
                return candidates;
            assignee.evaluate = function (xPathExpression, contextNode, resolverCallback, type, result) {
                // "ancestor::x:section|ancestor::section", sec
                if (xPathExpression == "ancestor::x:section|ancestor::section") // e.g., "section :scope" (but matching section)
                    return XPathResult(findElementsContainingContextNode("section", contextNode));
                else if (xPathExpression == "./x:section|./section") // e.g., ":scope > section"
                    return XPathResult(findSpecificChildrenOfContextNode(contextNode, "section"));
                else if (xPathExpression == "./x:section[not(@class='introductory')]|./section[not(@class='introductory')]") // e.g., ":scope > section:not([class='introductory'])"
                    return XPathResult(findSpecificChildrenOfContextNode(contextNode, "section:not([class='introductory'])"));
                else if (xPathExpression == ".//text()") // Not possible via Selectors API. Note that ":contains("...") can be used to find particular element containers of text
                    return XPathResult(getAllTextNodesUnderContext(contextNode));
                else if ((xPathExpression == "ancestor::abbr") || (xPathExpression == "ancestor::acronym")) // e.g., "abbr :scope, acronym :scope" (but match the element, not the scope)
                    return XPathResult(findAncestorsOfContextNode((xPathExpression == "ancestor::abbr") ? "abbr" : "acronym", contextNode));
                else if (xPathExpression == "./dt") // e.g., ":scope > dt"
                    return XPathResult(findSpecificChildrenOfContextNode(contextNode, "dt"));
                else if (xPathExpression == "dl[@class='parameters']")
                    return XPathResult(contextNode.querySelectorAll("dl[class='parameters']"));
                else if (xPathExpression == "*[@class='exception']")
                    return XPathResult(contextNode.querySelectorAll("[class='exception']"));
                else // Anything else (not supported)
                    return XPathResult([]);
        // Document implements XPathExpression
        if (window.Document) {
        else // no prototype hierarchy support (or Document doesn't exist)

Received on Thursday, 24 November 2011 22:24:04 UTC