Re: Is ISSUE-128 relevant?

12.01.2015, 20:23, "David Singer" <>:
> The process question is whether we should insist that WGs write charters that include dates that depend on things outside their control, like the generation of test cases or interoperable implementations.

I don't think so. What charters say about expected milestones doesn't impact whether work is delayed by writing tests in any way that I can think of.

There is a legitimate question of whether we should insist on expected milestones in charters, when we all know that there is a limited amount of control.

I believe that question - ultimately one of what the AC wants, rather than just some random text - has been discussed in the AC and I believe there was not consensus to change the existing requirement, although I believe there is broad understanding that spending a lot of effort trying to pin down the unknowable is a way to waste a lot of effort that could be saved by making a somewhat educated guesstimate.

Given my understanding of the AC's position, I don't see any value in raising an issue, although people are free to do so, or Steve may want to clarify that that was what he meant this issue to say, and reword it accordingly.


>> šOn Jan 11, 2015, at 8:16 , wrote:
>> šHi,
>> šISSUE-128 says "Lack of test cases is a major contributor to schedule delay". Which is hardly news.
>> šBut there is no associated action to fix it. I personally do not believe that further changes to the the Process document are going to make people produce more test cases - that is work that needs to be done, and I expect it to come about through good chairing, productive working groups, TTWF, etc.
>> šI suggest we close the issue.
>> šcheers
>> šChaals
>> š--
>> šCharles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex
>> š - - - Find more at
> David Singer
> Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Monday, 12 January 2015 17:33:23 UTC