[minutes] eGov IG - 25 June 2008

Hi all,

Minutes of today's kick-off telecon are avilable at:


... and also as text below.

  1. Scribe selection
  2. Welcome and practicalities
  3. Review of Agenda Items
  4. Intro: 2 minutes round the table
  5. Use Cases and Requirements
  6. Liaisons: review charter ones, new proposed ones
  7. Next Meeting

  1. the telcon time stays as is
  2. next meeting : July 9th

People with Action Items
  Chris, Ari, Oscar: open a new section in the wiki for
                     use cases for their respective TF

See also the Group's tracker:

[mental note: add Chris and Oscar and action them there]


Jose M. Alonso <josema@w3.org>    W3C/CTIC
eGovernment Lead                  http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/ 

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 16:00:58 UTC