Re: RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 3 March 2016

Here are some comparably easy tickets that could be handled in case we 
cannot discuss the metamodel:

ISSUE-52: Abstract Syntax
- With Arthur's departure we would either need to find a replacement 
volunteer or close this ticket

ISSUE-99: Special Cases
- We seemed to be close to a possible resolution

ISSUE-105: Defined prefixes
- I made sub-proposals on the PROPOSALS page, but no follow-up happened


On 3/03/2016 10:43, Arnaud Le Hors wrote:
> Hi,
> I put an agenda together but we will have to reshuffle depending on 
> Peter's ability to join the call.
> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Technologies 
> - IBM Software Group

Received on Thursday, 3 March 2016 01:09:21 UTC