Correction in RDF 1.1. Primer Section 5.1.4 N-Quads

Hi there,

Related to RDF 1.1 Primer

In Section 5.1.4 N-Quads

The following text:

"The nine lines in the N-Quads example correspond to the nine arcs in 
Fig. 5. Lines 1-7 represent quads, where the first element constitutes 
the graph IRI. The part of the quad after the graph IRI specifies the 
subject, predicate and object of the statement, following the syntactic 
conventions of N-Triples."

It is saying that the graph is the first element and it actually is the 
fourth element as in:

01    <> 
<> <> .

the last element <> is the graph, not the first 
element <>

Text should read:

"The nine lines in the N-Quads example correspond to the nine arcs in 
Fig. 5. Lines 1-7 represent quads, where the last element constitutes 
the graph IRI. The part of the quad before the graph IRI specifies the 
subject, predicate and object of the statement, following the syntactic 
conventions of N-Triples."


Received on Thursday, 23 October 2014 20:50:07 UTC