New Change Proposal for Issue-10: remove party definitions

Hi All,

*Proposal*: eliminate the definitions for first and third party and 
instead define the contexts of data collection and use, per ISSUE-221.

*Rationale*: Defining contexts of collection and use, rather than 
parties, is more precise and clear, and so will avoid confusion and 
misinterpretation of the spec. Speaking in terms of context goes right 
to the point. Parties are not inherently one or the other. Company X is 
a party. Is it a first party or a third party? We don't know until we 
see the context in which it is collecting or using data at any given 
moment. So let's just talk about the context, then.

Or, to put it slightly differently, parties can morph between 1st and 
3rd. They can hold data that was collected in either context and they 
can use data in either context. But what matters is that context in 
which the data is collected or used. And the DNT signal carries over 
with the data, even as the party switches contexts. Therefore 1st or 
3rd-ness is really a property of the data, not of the party. And, it 
follows that it's clearer to talk about applying rules to the data 
rather than to parties.

Thanks for considering this change.


Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2013 21:02:48 UTC