Re: [ACTION-43] (sdp related objects and global namespace) - way forward

On 06/26/2012 11:28 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> Le mardi 26 juin 2012 à 11:11 +0200, Stefan Hakansson LK a écrit :
>> To me a dictionaries makes a lot of sense in an API to be used by the
>> app. But having the browser deliver a "dictionary" to the app (as it
>> would on e.g createOffer), what does that really mean? Could you help
>> explaining a bit Dom?
> It means that the SessionDescriptionCallback would be provided with an
> object à la {sdp:"m=lotsofmumbo", type:"offer"}.
> In terms of WebIDL, this would simply need that we change the interface
> SessionDescription into a dictionary:
> dictionary SessionDescription {
>      SdpType   type;
>      DOMString sdp;
> };
> (we would not need to include a stringifier, since one can use
> JSON.stringify to that end)

Thanks for the explanation. I personally have no strong view on this. As 
you have already said, since there are currently no methods specified 
for modifying the SessionDescription specified in the SessionDescription 
object you anyway have to stringify them (using "toSdp") and operate on 
the string, so it could perhaps just as well be a string initially.
> Dom

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 09:46:49 UTC