Re: [css3-gcpm] bookmark-label: keyword definitions and whitespace processing

Le 24/05/2012 18:30, Brad Kemper a écrit :
> I'd be happy if it described what you are supposed to do with this
> property. What's its effect?


> Some document formats have the capability of holding bookmarks.
> Bookmarks are typically shown outside the document itself, often a
> tree-structured and clickable table of contents to help navigate in
> the electronic version of the document.

Bookmarks are called outlines in the PDF spec. They are organized in a 
tree structure. Each entry has a textual label and points to a specific 
position in the document encoded as (page_number, X, Y). Clicking makes 
the viewer display the document at that position.

The GCPM spec is indeed lacking on details. This is how we filled the 
blanks when implementing it in WeasyPrint:

For each element where the computed value of neither bookmark-level or 
bookmark-label is 'none', generate a bookmark entry. The used value of 
bookmark-label is as described for the string-set property, with the 
text taken *after* white space processing (according to the white-space 

By the way, I think that the initial value of bookmark-label should be 
'contents', not 'none'. Actually I’m not even sure that 'none' is ever 
useful. 'bookmark-level: none' (the initial) is enough to say "this 
element does not generate a bookmark".

bookmark-level specifies what "depth" this entry is supposed to be at, 
in the bookmark tree. The UA stylesheet for HTML has something like this:

h1 { bookmark-level: 1 } /* ... */ h6 { bookmark-level: 6 }

The order of the generated bookmarks is always the same as the tree 
order of the corresponding elements. If the values of bookmark-level are 
inconsistent (for example a level 1 entry followed by a level 3, without 
a level 2 in-between) the levels are adjusted somehow to make a proper 
tree without "holes".

The bookmark "target" is a single point. We picked the before-start 
corner (top-left in horizontal-tb ltr) of the margin edge of the first 
box/fragment generated by the element.

We did not implement bookmark-target because we did not understand what 
it is supposed to do. (And bookmark-state because we did not need it yet.)

Simon Sapin

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2012 17:41:44 UTC