Revising the WAV Vocabulary

Hi all,

what do you think about revising the WAC Vocabulary [1]? I guess, the 
majority of issues are already mentioned at [2]. I would only like to 
add the following remarks:

- add a human-readable representation of this vocabulary (btw, this is 
still a drawback of the majority of the W3C vocabularies, e.g., the RDF, 
RDFS and OWL namespace - proper content negotiation please!)
- I rendered the WAC Vocabulary with Parrot [3] (see [4]) and discovered 
that acl:agent property is defined twice - each of them has a different 
range (I would vote for the foaf:Agent range)
- maybe we can already merge the WAC Vocabulary with some terms of the 
TAC Vocabulary or another triple-based approach (however, I guess, we 
have to investigate here a bit more time into a deeper comparison).




Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 13:10:31 UTC