about high-level or low-level API (ISSUE-17)

Dear all,

I want to ask my question again in writing, because I did not get an 
answer during the call and yet I think we need to answer it in order to 
know what to do with ISSUE-17.
What is the intent of ISSUE-17 ?
Is it to standardize a list of API calls, the first of which (in the 
text) being "list discoverable home network media servers" ?
Or is it to standardize a generic messaging API, and check that 
everything listed in ISSUE-17 is possible ?
This actually applies to more than just ISSUE-17

If it is the first, then it is meaningful to discuss ISSUE-17 in detail, 
bullet by bullet. So we would need a lot of telco time.
If it is the second, then I believe it is not meaningful to discuss 
ISSUE-17 bullet by bullet, but just keep the list for later validation 
of the standard. If so we should not have spent as much time on it in 
today's telco.

Then my opinion on this subject is that we should only standardize a 
small, low-level API for generic messaging, and not a very large set of 
high-level messages that would never be up-to-date in the rapidly 
evolving ecosystem of the home network.
We should definitely design a standard that allows a document to call 
any of the UPnP/DLNA services mentioned in ISSUE-17, but does not 
duplicate the UPnP/DLNA service interfaces.
Best regards

JC Dufourd
Directeur d'Etudes/Professor
Groupe Multimedia/Multimedia Group
Traitement du Signal et Images/Signal and Image Processing
Telecom ParisTech, 37-39 rue Dareau, 75014 Paris, France
Tel: +33145817733 - Mob: +33677843843 - Fax: +33145817144

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 16:10:48 UTC