[Fwd: Beyond Subscriptions: Actual Ownership, Use and Non-Use of Mobiles in Developing Countries]

Dear all,

as always, a great article by Richard Heeks around the actual real 
mobile usage figures

Stephane Boyera		stephane@w3.org
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Forwarded message 1

  • From: Richard Heeks <richard.heeks@manchester.ac.uk>
  • Date: 22 Mar 2009 23:41:58 +0100
  • Subject: [mDevelopment] Beyond Subscriptions: Actual Ownership, Use and Non-Use of Mobiles in Developing Countries
  • To: "Mobiles and Development" <mDevelopment@dgroups.org>
  • Message-ID: <4a133246-688f-460a-bd38-17abbdc2128c@dgroups.org>
What is the relation between mobile subscription statistics and actual ownership and usage and non-usage of mobiles in developing countries?

An answer is now at: http://ict4dblog.wordpress.com/ - but I would appreciate further sources and improvements.

I've put together what I could find (thanks also to Rich Ling).  The guesstimates are:

- Per capita mobile ownership is c.75% of subscriptions per capita; range from 50-100%

- Two users on average per privately-owned phone, but add more users to account for public mobiles

- 300m developing country adults have yet to make a phone call; add many more to account for under-15s

To subscribe to the blog, visit: http://ict4dblog.wordpress.com/feed/

Richard Heeks
Director, Centre for Development Informatics
University of Manchester, UK

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Received on Monday, 23 March 2009 09:17:46 UTC