Re: Call for Consensus - Selectors Last Call

Sean Hogan wrote:
> Gregory Reimer (the author of reglib) points out that 
> Element.matchesSelector would be useful for event delegation.
> See
> It would also neatly tie in with NodeFilter in DOM-Traversal, 
> facilitating something like a live querySelectorAll() during document load.

It would be useful if you could elaborate upon those use cases.

> Unfortunately I had assumed it was in the spec. I've looked now and seen 
> that it wasn't considered due to a lack of presented use cases, which 
> seems non-sensical.

How is that nonsensical?  Without having use cases presented, it's hard 
to justify the feature and even harder to make sure it's designed in the 
most optimal way for those use cases.

> The only reason for it not to be in the spec is if it is harmful.

AFAIK, no-one said it was harmful.  It is too late for this proposal to 
be added to this version of the spec, but it will be considered for the 
next version.

> The only complication I can see is supporting the :scope pseudo-attribute.

Assuming the CSSWG includes the :scope proposal in the next version of 
Selectors, and if there are use cases for which :scope would be useful 
in a matchesSelector() function, we can investigate solutions to address 
the issue.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 6 December 2008 23:11:45 UTC