Re: ISSUE-188 (props): xit needs an acknowlegements section [wsc-xit]

I wrote all the bits with apostrophes in the wrong place ;-)

Odd way to do the acks. I'd have thought that contributing didn't
require writing a paragraph and that writing a paragraph isn't a
good metric for contribution.

My suggestion: go back through the list and minutes and decide
between editor/chair/team who to list & deal with it if problems

But whatever,

Anil Saldhana wrote:
> I am adding the acknowledgement section today with the answers on this 
> thread. So please reply to this thread if you want your name in the 
> acknowledgment section (along with the name of the sections that you 
> contributed). I will regularly update the ack section, as and when you 
> claim your rights in the ack section.
> Mary Ellen Zurko wrote:
>> Yes, Page Info lives; thanks.
>> From:
>> Johnathan Nightingale <>
>> To:
>> Web Security Context Working Group WG <>
>> Date:
>> 03/14/2008 12:03 PM
>> Subject:
>> Re: ISSUE-188 (props): xit needs an acknowlegements section [wsc-xit]
>> Assuming that either Page Info or Identity Signal goes in, I think I
>> can lay claim to having specific text in the LC-June document.
>> Cheers,
>> Johnathan
>> On 14-Mar-08, at 11:33 AM, Web Security Context Working Group Issue
>> Tracker wrote:
>>> ISSUE-188 (props): xit needs an acknowlegements section [wsc-xit]
>>> Raised by: Mary Ellen Zurko
>>> On product: wsc-xit
>>> I suggestion something of this form:
>>> This note is created from specific text from x, y, and z, as well as
>>> input and discussions among the active participants of the Web
>>> Security Context Working Group. It has also benefitted from general
>>> public and working group commentary on earlier drafts.
>>> We should start tracking x, y, and z in this issue. Off the top of
>>> my head, I know that Thomas Roessler, Stephen Farrell, Serge
>>> Egelman, and Mary Ellen Zurko have proposed specific text that is
>>> currently in the LC-June version. At some point I'll troll through
>>> and try to figure out what the full set is, but if you're one, you
>>> can save me work by replying to this issue, specifying the text (or
>>> section, or issue that had the text).

Received on Saturday, 22 March 2008 01:01:23 UTC