Re: Traker tools.


The webCGM WG operates in public.
All the minutes are public (wghich list AI)
I guessthe public should have also read access to all your
issues/actions, in that case.

Actually it is a good issue because I have been involved in other W3C 
WG, where the WG list was member restricted and only the minutes were 
made public.

There are sensible info like passcode for our telecon meetings, F2F 
info, etc  which should probably not been available to the public

Chris has setup the WG list as a public one for this Group.


  Jackson wrote:
> On 01/06/2006, at 12:50 AM, Thierry MICHEL wrote:
>> Dean,
>> The WebCGM WG would like to use your Traker tools.
>> Could you do the necessary to allow this Group to use it?
> Sure thing.
> Will you conduct all your work on the public list?
> Do you want the public to have read access to all your
> issues/actions?
> I assume in this case the answer is yes.
> Dean

Thierry Michel

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2006 15:03:23 UTC