QA Op Guidelines test material


I am looking at the QA Op Guidelines CR on behalf of webont

I note that in the charter of the QA WG there is a commitment to the AAA
conformance, and noting guideline 3,
the Working Group MUST publish QA deliverables, including at least the test
materials to which the WG has committed, concurrently with each Working
Group specification publication milestone.
and the charter description of deliverables including
Test materials in the form of questionnaires and/or interactive forms that
lead the tester through the guidelines document, asking about each
conformance requirement.

I was hoping to find the questionnaire(s) associated with the QA docs in
Candidate Rec, and an example of how to complete them (for example by the
QA group, vis-a-vis the QA Ops guidelines).

Any pointers?


Received on Friday, 12 December 2003 11:20:16 UTC