Some syntax bugs in DAML-S ontologies


I am recently trying to translate DAML-S (version 0.6)
ontologies to WEB-PDDL, an under-developing  logic
language which serves as the internal reprensentation language
for OntoMerge [1].

I thought I found some bugs in those ontologies and examples
listed on DAML-S(0.6) page [2].

1. In Process.daml, line 837 and 838: "Value" is not defined in this
ontology. I think it should be "TestValue";

2. In CongoProcess.daml, line 58: "congo;" missed an "&";

3. In BravoAir-Process.daml, all the occurrence of "rdfs:about"
should be "rdf:about".

Two kinds of resource reference were also used in these DAML
files. First is using "rdf:resource=" or "rdf:about=" to refer to some
resource in another ontology, but actually it is not defined there.
An example is "&country;#UnitedState" on line 84 of CongoProfile.daml.
Second is using QName to refer to some property in another ontology
which is also undefined. For example, "service:describedBy" on line
38 of Congo-Service.daml. I wonder whethter both cases are correct
or not.

Please have a try of our PDDAML translator at [3]. I used it to find all

these "bugs".

Peishen Qi
Yale University, CS Department
AKW 403, 203-432-6495


Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 21:42:19 UTC