Re: ISSUE-6: (duplicate callbacks): Spec needs to clarify expected behavior for duplicate calls of the same callback [Request Animation Frame]

Web Performance Working Group Issue Tracker:
> ISSUE-6: (duplicate callbacks): Spec needs to clarify expected
> behavior for duplicate calls of the same callback [Request Animation
> Frame]

I made the animation frame request callback list an explicit list of
(handle-id, callback, cancelled-flag) triples and updated the
requestAnimationFrame & cancelRequestAnimationFrame descriptions
appropriately.  This makes it so that cancelRequestAnimationFrame
cancels a single instance of the callback in the list.

I’ve also added some text to the note box just below the definition of
the requestAnimationFrame method pointing out that multiple entries in
the list with the same callback will exist if you call
requestAnimationFrame more than once with the same callback.

(I can’t remember who raised this issue initially; might’ve been
Jatinder or Nic.)

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2011 03:26:22 UTC