ISSUE-2042 (XLink-less Linking ): Consider adding adding non-NS linking syntax [SVG Core 2.0]

ISSUE-2042 (XLink-less Linking ): Consider adding adding non-NS linking syntax [SVG Core 2.0]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: SVG Core 2.0

Going forward, consider the implications of supporting null-namespace 'href' and 'src' attributes where we currently require 'xlink:href' attributes, to align with HTML syntax.  This would be an addition, rather than a replacement of existing syntax, and would probably involve some sort of reflection.

Which syntax would we require authoring tools to export (if any)?

What effect would this have on the larger toolchain (including XML-only tools) and e.g. Illustrator?  What steps would need to be taken to minimize problems? 

Is this something that authors want?  Would this help implementors?

If this is allowed in SVG, should HTML also allow this sort of reflection for e.g., <html:script href="">, in order to be simpler for authoring? 

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2008 13:21:18 UTC