[owl changed again]


to address : https://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/280 ISSUE-280
https://www.w3.org/2011/prov/track/issues/262 ISSUE-262

(Luc, I messed up the ranges on the new qualifiedX properties on 262, this fixes that too)

removed occurredDuring b/c not in DM and Stian's good point that it does not bound.
removed hadTemporalExtent b/c not in DM.
renamed occurredAt to atTime, changed range from TimeInstant to xsd:dateTime
renamed startedAt to startedAtTime, changed range to xsd:dateTime
renamed endedAt to endedAtTime, changed range to xsd:dateTime
fixed the domains of qualifiedX properties to e.g. Usage (not e.g. Entity.)
renamed hadSpatialExtent to hadLocation to suit DM.
renamed adoptedPlan to hadPlan to suit other had* properties.
renamed annotation property prov:involvedClass to prov:qualifiedForm
elaborated more directions of prov:qualifiedForm and prov:unqualifiedForm annotations


Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 21:38:52 UTC