Access to element styles?

Are there any plans for the DOM Level 2 to allow access to the CSS
properties of a specific element?  The DOM Level 1 hinted at this in a
comment [1] that the style attribute of the HTMLElement interface was
reserved for future use.  Could this style attribute be of type
CSS2Properties [2]?  (Yes, I know that limits the style language.
Perhaps there should be access to the Content-Style-Type first set by a
META or HTTP header.  But then the property names are messy.  Would
part of it be better off being a function that adds a declaration to a
STYLE attribute?)

The specificity of a rule created through such an interface, should
probably be the same as if it were a STYLE attribute.  See my post [3]
on why the specificity of the STYLE attribute should be changed (to
the way it is implemented in browsers).


    clarified in

L. David Baron    Freshman, Harvard
Links, SatPix, CSS, etc.  < >
WSP CSS AC                < >

Received on Thursday, 11 March 1999 15:17:31 UTC