Line, questioning

Good day.

I deeply ask all members of WG to take part in some questioning.
Reason is that, many of my users coincide in opinion,
that _line between arbitrary html-elements_ is the most necessary.

So i ask you __very much__ to say you opinion.
I took this problem once, let me remind gold of deal.

Many unskilled people need simple way to create notes, pointers and schemes.
Pointer consists of one section, note consists of two,
line of scheme maybe curve.

         object         object        _ object
        /              -/|           /
       /               /            |
note__/         comment           object

I think, broken line with many sections maybe seggested.
Each section specifies displacement of coordinates of "pencil"
(by which line is beening "drew") from last point of previous section.

<line>                              <!- for note ->
  <pack host="id1">
  <pack host="id2">
  <li x="10" y="0">
  <li x="30" y="100">

<line>                              <!- for pointer with comment ->
  <pack host="id1">
  <pack host="id2">
  <li              point-style="arrow">

<line>                              <!- for scheme ->
  <pack host="id1">
  <pack host="id2">
  <li x=     y=    spline=yes>
  <li x=     y=    spline=yes>

LI should has following styles/attributes:
'point-type'    specify marker of point (similar to 'list-style-type'),
'point-color'   specify color of point's marker,

'section-type'  specify type of line (similar to 'border-style'),
'section-color' specify color of line (similar to 'border-color'),
'section-width' specify width of line (similar to 'border-width'),

'point-title'   specify hint of point (similar to 'title'),
'section-title' specify hint of section (similar to 'title'),

'point-note'    specify permanently displayed note of point,
'section-note'  specify permanently displayed note of section,

'section-begin' specify parmanently displayed note of section's beginning,
'section-end'   specify parmanently displayed note of section's end,

'spline'        specify curve or broken section (accepts 'yes/no').

(1) I suppose, it would better to glue to html-elements
by additional tag PACK instead of by LI,
because if attributes of "glueing" will in LI,
it maybe heavy to find these LI from many of them inside LINE.
These attributes of "glueing" should specify 'id' of distination and,
if line is attached by only one its end, specify first or last point.
  <pack host="id1" host="id1" dot="first">
  <pack host="id1" host="id1" dot="last">

(2) I suppose, if last point of last section does not coincide
with html-elements, to which line is attached,
then whole line should be scaled, instead of ignoring coordinates of last LI.

(3) I suppose, that it will be comfortable to create note,
if putting third html-element into LI will be possible
<line>                              <!- for pointer with comment ->
  <pack host="id1">
  <pack host="id2">
  <li> <p>Description with many strings</p> </li>

Dmitry Turin

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2007 08:01:55 UTC