FAQ: Is there a converter from format XYZ to RDF?


TimBL just mailed the maintainers of
asking them to add

He suggested this should go in a wiki... the esw wiki, maybe.

I thought about creating such a topic, but I don't want
to do so without (a) incoming links and some thought
about the name and (b) a critical mass of content.
I think Tim has a slide or two with lists of converters;
I suppose I could find those in 10 minutes or so...

So I started thinking about what budget this time
could come out of, and I thought it should perhaps
come out of the SemWeb EO WG budget.

I don't know the temperature in that group very well yet.
Would you please either take this task there or
to semweb-cg or to t-and-s? A "no" reply is also
an option.

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Friday, 5 January 2007 16:44:19 UTC