Mouse-less browsing/Datepicker (was RE: ISSUE-96 Change Proposal)

Jonas Sicking wrote:
> Are you saying that "programmatic focus and keyborad operability" from
> your initial email is about that these things must be provided by the
> browser to the user via accessibility APIs? I.e. the browser must
> allow the user to use keyboard navigation as well as use other
> accessibility APIs to focus various parts of the date picker?

Not for a minute suggesting that I am replying for Steven, but, yes, of
course the browser must allow the user to access all aspects of a
date-picker via keyboard control. There are many use-cases where keyboard
only access would be a requirement even if no specific AT or accessibility
API call is/would be required: for example on a 'mouse-less device'
(mobiles *without* touch screen functionality), for a user with limited
mobility (tabbing via voice-activation) or simply when the mouse is not
available (the battery in my wireless mouse just died, and I need to
replace it *after* I get all the other work done).  Chaals
(McCathieNevile) just wrote up some thoughts about mouse-less browsing
this week:
that expands on these thoughts - well worth the read.



Received on Thursday, 1 April 2010 18:13:26 UTC