ISSUE-118: HTML ITS default behaviour - starting point, ACTION-452

Hi everyone,

Attached and copied below is the set of global rules corresponding to what we think would be a start for the defaults.
This is likely not covering all that needs to be covered.
And obviously some of these are likely controversial.

The wiki page for listing the defaults is here:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<its:rules xmlns:its="" version="2.0"
 <!-- Inline elements -->
 <its:withinTextRule withinText="yes"
  selector="//h:abbr | //h:acronym | //h:br | //h:cite | //h:code | //h:dfn
  | //h:kbd | //h:q | //h:samp | //h:span | //h:strong | //h:var | //h:b | //h:em
  | //h:big | //h:hr | //h:i | //h:small | //h:sub | //h:sup | //h:tt | //h:del
  | //h:ins | //h:bdo | //h:img | //h:a | //h:font | //h:center | //h:s | //h:strike
  | //h:u | //h:isindex" />
 <!-- Non-translatable elements -->
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:script|//h:style" translate="no"/>
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:del" translate="no"/>
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:del/descendant-or-self::*/@*" translate="no"/>
 <!-- Translatable attribute -->
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:*/@abbr|//h:*/@alt|//h:*/@prompt|//h:*/@standby|//h:*/@summary|//h:*/@title" translate="yes"/>
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:meta[@name='keywords']/@content" translate="yes"/>
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:meta[@name='description']/@content" translate="yes"/>
 <!-- Attributes for the input element -->
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:input/@value" translate="yes"/>
 <its:translateRule selector="//h:input[@type='hidden']/@value" translate="no"/>
 <!-- Bidirectional information. Note: No direct support for 'auto' value -->
 <its:dirRule selector="//h:*[@dir='ltr']" dir="ltr"/>
 <its:dirRule selector="//h:*[@dir='rtl']" dir="rtl"/>
 <its:dirRule selector="//h:bdo[@dir='ltr']" dir="lro"/>
 <its:dirRule selector="//h:bdo[@dir='rtl']" dir="rlo"/>

 <!-- Note: dfn and dt don't match exactly the Terminology data category -->
 <!-- Id Value -->
 <its:idValueRule selector="//h:*[@id]" idValue="@id"/>
 <!-- Note: Preserve space is not handled by ITS -->
 <!-- Domain -->
 <its:domainRule selector="/h:html"
  domainPointer="/h:html/h:head/h:meta[@name='dcterms.subject' or @name='keywords']/@content"/>


Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 13:50:16 UTC