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Community & Business Groups

XML Performance Community Group

The Mission of the XML Performance Community Group is to determine the requirements, use cases to get performance measurements of the whole XML technology stack. One of the goal is to be able to understand how XML (versus other technologies) could be used as ground to make efficient processing and identifies bottlenecks and features of this XML stack. One later goal will be to compare XML implementations among them. To do so, we might give hint on defining Efficient Profiles of existing Specifications.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

XML perceived as slow

This a nasty fact that XML is still perceived as slow and fat.

This is globally non accurate in many ways.

In many area, we can reach processing time of XML as high as binary data carefully crafted data. But to achieve this goal, we need to come up with a stack of tools that all meet those requirements.

One of the goal of this community group is exactly to give some feedback about processing XML efficiently and showing to everyone that XML is not that slow and fat, and we can come up with reasonable and careful choice to very efficient processing time
