Meet 20140219

From Schema Bib Extend Community Group

Meeting Call 19th February 2014 - 11:00am EST


  • Comments on previous meeting
  • Topics
    • Progress on Article proposal
    • Work Relationships
    • Best practice documentation
  • AOB


  • CreativeWork Relationships - add in some examples, then push Chaals/Danbri - Richard
    • Check for compatibility with DC-Terms
  • Create a Best Practice Guide area on Wiki - Richard
    • Introduction page - Richard
    • Copy, create, move documentation into the best practice area - all
  • Future of Group
    • Moving towards best practice and experience sharing away from working through a list of proposals
    • Mailing list discussions
    • Ready to comment/consult as a group on issues as the arise (eg. Requests via public-vocabs, BIBFRAME 1.0 etc.)
    • Future meetings - Stop scheduling regular monthly meetings
      • If need/desire arrises further meetings can be scheduled at short notice
  • Journal Article to describe and promote activities/achievements of Group
    • Dan to post article idea and call for suggested journals to target.

Call Recording

To view a recording of approx 1 hour call: Click Here
Note: will play using a WebEx browser plugin

Chat transcript from Call From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:05:20 PM)
Article proposal was posted and danbri created a work-in-progress version based on the RDFS (twice; once with a severe error I had introduced and again after I corrected it!)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:06:08 PM) -- danbri had mentioned that he would try to get our examples into the WIP as well
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:08:22 PM)
Getting a simplified version of the CreativeWork relationships with input from BIBFRAME sounds good to me (via danbri in offlist discussions I guess?)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:08:49 PM)
Fewer inverse relationships also sounds like a win
From Niklas Lindström to Everyone(04:09:31 PM)
Also, a clear definition of how these properties relate to DC terms and PROV properties would be very valuable.
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:12:03 PM)
I had posted a brief proposal around thumbnail / thumbnailURL
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:12:14 PM)
If interested, I could push that a bit further
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:13:03 PM)
I like Jeff's suggestion of renaming encodesCreativeWork to representsCreativeWork (and presumably getting rid of representationOf from our list of CreativeWork relationships)
From Niklas Lindström to Everyone(04:14:25 PM)
From Niklas Lindström to Everyone(04:14:45 PM)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:16:03 PM)
+1 to Niklas' suggestion of providing concrete examples to illustrate why given properties are desired
From Niklas Lindström to Everyone(04:16:48 PM)
From Niklas Lindström to Everyone(04:17:04 PM)
Even more relevant:
From Niklas Lindström to Everyone(04:17:33 PM)
(the last one is a "Dublin Core to PROV Mapping" note)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:19:23 PM)
I need to finish Comics off with Henry and Peter
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:19:56 PM)
I would also like to push for the thumbnail / cover art improvements
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:20:09 PM)
Neither needs to be within schemabibex though, strictly speaking
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:20:30 PM)
And I plan to keep pushing on the "Contributor" discussion that came up with the Sports vocabulary
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:20:57 PM)
(As "contributor" is relevant to Comics and media in general)
From Reinhold Heuvelmann to Everyone(04:22:59 PM)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:23:05 PM)
I'm in favour of keeping the group around, dropping monthly calls in favour of focusing on mailing list / calls when necessary, and trying to pull together some best practices documentation
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:23:14 PM)
/me would contribute to the latter
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:23:54 PM)
Also interesting, as Niklas suggested, to keep us around for BIBFRAME 1.0 discussions (particularly given our experience with public-vocabs)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:27:27 PM)
Good point, Jeff (keeping the group around to help answer questions about how to mark up use cases)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:27:37 PM)
use cases / edge cases :)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:30:03 PM)
I think that serving a q&a function will be helpful as implementers ramp up; we'll solidify things as we go (and can augment best practices documentation along the way)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:32:24 PM)
Targeting an article and/or conference presentation 2-3 months down the road so that we can point at a best practices guide would be great. PR / marketing will help make our efforts worthwhile!
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:32:37 PM)
(I'm just taking notes to help flesh out minutes)
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:36:01 PM)
Richard is happy to talk about our work, but would also be even happier if someone were to write up a more formal article. Dan Scott has some time and is willing to contribute to that effort.
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:36:29 PM)
ACTION: Dan will post to the list describing article idea + call for journals to target
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:37:05 PM)
Jeff mentioned Actions as interesting area for potential future work for the group
From Dan Scott to Everyone(04:38:42 PM)
Dead simple, stupid use case mentioned by Dan is Gmail actions - reminder notice with "Renew" action :)