CreativeWork Relationships

From Schema Bib Extend Community Group

CreativeWork Relationships Proposal

Status: Draft
Author: Richard Wallis


There is a need to identify the relationships between related creative works, for instance between the conceptual work (eg. War and Peace) and a specific instance (eg. the paperback edition with the ISBN 978-1853260629). This need has been addressed in detail by the Group 1 entities of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) - an entity relationship model developed by IFLA.

The detailed structural FRBR approach is unlikely to be fully understood and adopted by the wider web community and is therefore unlikely to be accepted as an extension to the vocabulary.

This proposal takes a more simplistic approach by allowing for any schema:CreativeWork description to reference other CreativeWorks that it is an example/instance of, or are instances of it's conceptual work.


The addition of two properties to the CreativeWork Type

Property Expected Type Description
workExample CreativeWork Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. eg. The paperback edition.
exampleOfWork CreativeWork The creative work that this work is an example/instance of.


1. A Work with 3 examples (2 books + 1 movie)
Initial example in RDF Turtle format - other formats to follow - RJW

@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix schemap: <> .

	a schema:CreativeWork;
	schema:name "War and Peace";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:author <>;
	schema:author [ a schema:Person;
	                         schema:name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "History";
	schema:genre "Fiction";
	schema:description	"An epic novel featuring the Russian role in the Napoleonic wars and providing a complex panorama of the life of the time.";
	schemap: workExample <>; 
	schemap:workExample <>;
	schemap: workExample <>.

	a schema:Book;
	schema:isbn "9780553479430";
	schema:isbn 0553479431";
	schema:name "War and Peace";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:author <>;
	schema:author [ a schema:Person;
	                         schema:name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "History";
	schema:genre "Fiction";
	schema:description	"An epic novel featuring the Russian role in the Napoleonic wars and providing a complex panorama of the life of the time.";
	schemap:exampleOfWork <>.
	a schema:Movie;
	schema:name "War and Peace";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:contributor <>;
	schema:contributor [ a schema:Person;
	                                 schema:name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "History";
	schema:genre "War Films";
	schema:genre "Feature Films";
	schemap:exampleOfWork <>.
	a schema:Book;
	schema:name "War and Peace";
	schema:about <>;
	schema:author <>;
	schema:author [ a schema:Person;
	                         schema:name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
	schema:inLanguage "en";
	schema:genre "History";
	schema:genre "Fiction";
	schema:description	"An epic novel featuring the Russian role in the Napoleonic wars and providing a complex panorama of the life of the time.";
	schemap:exampleOfWork <>.