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Community & Business Groups

Philosophy of the Web Community Group

Many philosophical issues have arisen in the technical design of Web standards over the years. Philosophical conundrums sometimes seem out of context in the light of seemingly more pressing technical problems. Yet, the very fact that these philosophical problems are constantly raised indicates that they are not easily dispensed with, but should instead be the focus of serious and ongoing long-term discussions.

This is why this CG aims at undertaking such discussions, even outsourcing them to alleviate the task of other groups. To clarify the goal of this CG: it should not be a place to do unconstrained philosophical research but rather a forum to examine issues arising from the W3C technical community. Open discussion and precise descriptions of the minutiae of the Web will help guide the work in the CG, which should output short guides on precise topics to help case progress and discussions in other groups. The PhiloWeb Community group aims to undertake such discussions by bringing together experts from the web and the philosophical community to help the task of "philosophical engineering", a term coined by Tim Berners-Lee.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.


Isn’t there a need for cacheing the results of the various reasoners in a FOL form?

I believe there is a need for a XML format different from RDF that will capture the result of logic calculation on 2 (or more) RDF entities (read syllogism).

This way the reasoning calculations can become distributable, addressable, expandable.

Your take on this?