WAI-ARIA Overview

From Education & Outreach

WAI-ARIA Overview


  • Confusing example — I found this example hard to wade through: "For example, if the content of a Web page changes in response to user actions or time- or event-based updates, that new content may not be available to some people, such as people who are blind or people with cognitive disabilities who use a screen reader." I'm wondering if a more specific, concrete example might be more helpful here since it is just an example. {Anna Belle}
  • Agree — I agree that the comment is too vague and that an example is needed. {Sharron, 2 Mar } Suggest the following:

    If the content of a Web page changes in response to user actions or time- or event-based updates, that new content may not be available to some people who rely on assitive technology. For example, if a user action launches a module dialogue window, the visual focus moves to the new content but the keyboard and reading order focus does not necessarily do so. WAI-ARIA helps ensure that assistive technology can find and read dynamic content as it is introduced.

  • pending — Good input! These will take coordination with PFWG. not sure when we can get to that :( {Shawn}

Making Ajax and Related Technologies Accessible

  • Sentence beginning with another example is not clear. It uses the term "user, uses" several times. The whole sentence should be reworded and a concrete example provided.

    Another example of an accessibility barrier is drag-and-drop functionality that is not available to users who use a keyboard only and cannot use a mouse. Even relatively simple Web sites can be difficult if they require an extensive amount of keystrokes to navigate with only a keyboard.

    {Sylvie, 25 Feb}
  • Word information — Twice the word "information" is used, and I tripped on it both times. (1) "However, the information that the assistive technologies need is not available with most current Web technologies." (2) "WAI-ARIA addresses these accessibility challenges by defining how information about this functionality...." By information, do you mean HTML, code, something else? {Anna Belle}
  • pending — Good input! These will take coordination with PFWG. not sure when we can get to that :( {Shawn}

The WAI-ARIA Suite Documents

  • [done] Last paragraph needs update — WAI anticipates that the WAI-ARIA documents may be completed and published in 2011. - update status? {Sylvie 25 Feb}

grammar & typos

  • [done] Period comma — The way periods next to commas are done in this document is IMO correct. However I thought we'd agreed to the reverse, i.e. comma period. I'm referring to "such as "menu," "treeitem," "slider," and "progressmeter"." Picky, picky.... :-) {Anna Belle}


  • [OK] Overall — speaking as a developer, I really like this document, especially because it points to the Primer {Anna Belle}
  • [OK] My comments — Please feel free to disregard my comments! I'm not really sure what's needed from EO, but wanted to weigh in with somethings {Anna Belle}
    Shawn thanks Anna Belle for weighing in!
  • Printing this page — I wanted to print it, but there doesn't seem to be print css to hide menus, etc. {Anna Belle}
    • agree. this is an issue throughout the WAI site. Wayne was going to get his students to to a print CSS a long time ago but it didn't work out. I was thinking that was something you (Anna Belle) might want to do! :-){Shawn}