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WSTF Minutes 26 January 2004 Meeting


agenda in e-mail list archives: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-site/2004Jan/0031.html



[15:02] Shawn: Justin has volunteered to scribe.

[15:05] Blossom: I don't understand the inconsistency of the names in the personas.

[15:05] Shawn: Send info to the list so that we can look at it.

[15:08] Shawn: An agenda review .

Action Item Review

[15:11] ACTION: John volunteers to find pictures for the rest of the personas.

[15:13] Shawn: People want to see the finalized card sort.

[15:14] Carol: I can finish it.

[15:15] Michael: I am having problems with sending attachments to the list.

[15:15] ACTION: Shawn to check to make sure that Michael's e-mail is correct in the list.

[15:16] Shawn: Michael can you send the raw info from your card sort to the list?

[15:16] Michael: sure

[15:17] Shawn: I talked to Wendy, told her we didn't really have time to work on it now.

[15:19] Shawn: AIR is working on the highlight video from the usability testing.

Finalize Analysis Documents for WAI Staff & EOWG Review

[15:23] Shawn: We are working on getting the analysis documents ready for review.

[15:24] Shawn: We started a section on findings and design impact.

[15:25] Shawn: Is there anything that we are missing or anything that we need to change?

[15:26] Blossom: The order is good. The first item on the list is really huge.

[15:29] Jon: This site has such a huge scope. We have to be very careful about the tone and language that is used.

[15:30] Jon: We recognize that different content areas will demand different interface components, tone, and terminology. The high level documents shouldn't be polarized in any certain way.

[15:31] Shawn: The highest level has to focus really well on erring on the side of novice users. The more specific documents can focus more on the side experienced users.

[15:33] Shawn: We have to recognize that users might end up in one place where they may not necessarily want to be, so we have to allow those users to get at documents that may be more relevant to them.

[15:34] Shawn: Maybe it would be good for in the site map to have a level that shows what users use which document.

[15:35] Jon: I think that would be a useful thing to do. It will add a user centered element.

[15:36] Shawn: Lets look at the prioritization section.

[15:37] ACTION: Charmane to edit the user prioritization section.

[15:39] ACTION: Shawn, in the analysis summary in #2 change newbie to novice.

[15:39] ACTION: Jon will review the user analysis documents and see what design implications he finds.

[15:41] ACTION: Shawn in the user details will clean up the target audiences section

[15:42] Shawn: Any other comments on the user detail section?

[15:42] Michael: No real strong objections.

[15:42] Jon: Can i reserve my opinion till later?

[15:44] Shawn: The user-matrix isn't scientific. It's just to find trends.

[15:45] Shawn: Lets talk about the names of the personas later or possibly on the list.

[15:47] Jon: It might help if we change the personas to more goal based instead of task based.

[15:50] ACTION: Jon will summarize Alan Cooper's ideas on personas and how it could improve our personas on making them more goal based.

[15:50] ACTION: Persona writers will look at the personas and tweak them to be more goal based.

[15:51] ACTION: Blossom will send a note to the list on the first name/last name issue

[15:54] Shawn: Have people seen the new personas that Matt added?

[15:55] Shawn: Do we want them to be more broad or more specific?

[15:55] Carol: I think its helpful if we have them more specific because it will be easier for people to imagine them.

[15:56] Jon: Keeping them very specific can help. It will help because it will bring up some very good issues.

[15:56] Carol: We don't have someone that's not fluent in English in our personas.

[15:57] Charmane: Maybe this would a good discussion to save for the Education & Outreach Working Group because they would have more of a diverse background

[16:00] Shawn: We need someone who is going to manage how we are going deal with the international cultures of the people in our personas.

[16:01] Shawn: For the detail people, is this worth it?

[16:02] ACTION: Jon will look at for the personas on how we can make them more specific and make recommendation on that.

[16:03] Shawn: Lets move on to tasks.

[16:04] Shawn: In the user/task matrix, we need to have someone find out what trends we are finding.

[16:04] ACTION: Carol will look for trends and design impacts in the tasks

[16:05] Shawn: Any other comments?

[16:06] Shawn: The analysis summary needs a little more input. The users are done. The personas needs a little more input. The tasks is done but we are looking at it for design implications.

Discuss Site Map Draft

[16:06] Shawn: Lets move on to the site map

[16:09] Michael: The title of the WAI group category isn't really intuitive; how about WAI working and interest groups?

[16:09] Charmane: I agree, it doesn't work.

[16:09] Carol: I like WAI groups because it's simple. The average user can figure it out.

[16:10] Michael: Exploration shouldn't be required for people to figure it out.

[16:11] Michael: WAI could be seen as synonymous with W3C and that it has it's own groups.

[16:11] Shawn: Compromise, how about WAI working groups?

[16:12] Carol: Saying WAI working and not interest groups wouldn't seem right.

[16:13] Charmane: how about just saying working groups not WAI working groups

[16:14] Carol: How about changing it to something like "Getting Involved" ?

[16:14] Shawn: Getting Involved would work much better for novices.

[16:15] Shawn: The sections isn't really for people that are novices.

[16:16] Charmane: The WAI groups are a big part of the what you are doing.

[16:17] Justin: People don't look for information on what's going on in "About" sections

[16:18] Jon: I agree with Shawn.

[16:18] Shawn: Some are under technical activity and international program office on the About WAI page.

[16:21] Shawn: We haven't determine what is and isn't going to be it's own page on the site map.

[16:23] Shawn: The current site doesn't have an information architecture

[16:24] Shawn: On the current site it's just called groups.

[16:24] Charmane: I think having the WAI groups at a higher level is appropriate.

[16:25] Jon: How about activities for the section?

[16:26] Carol: We need to think about the needs to the screen reader.

[16:26] Shawn: People are just looking for info will go to this section will just click on it no matter what.

[16:27] Shawn: Another group will be someone that already knows something about the workgroup.

[16:27] Blossom: W3.org>Accessibility>Bottom of the page> EO homepage

[16:29] Michael: I go to the W3.org search box and enter "EOWG" and go to the first google link and press WAI home

[16:30] Carol: I use the drop down menu in internet explorer that remembers it for me

[16:30] Charmane: I use the links in the e-mail

[16:30] Justin: I just know the URL

[16:31] Group: We have a huge diversity as noticed above.

[16:31] Shawn: How would you want to get to the EO page from the WAI homepage?

[16:34] ACTION: Shawn will put in the Misc list that include acronyms with name of the working group

[16:34] Charmane: Working group would help me find what I'm looking for.

[16:35] Shawn: The interest groups are just mailing lists.

[16:37] Blossom: With other groups in the working groups section that's confusing?

[16:37] Justin: Could you move the interest groups into the about us section?

[16:38] Jon: What are interest groups?

[16:39] Shawn: WAI allows a lot more non-member invited experts. Interest groups allow people are who aren't members to comment on things.

[16:40] Jon: Moving them wouldn't be a good idea.

[16:41] Charmane: We have limited real estate with the navigation.

[16:42] Jon: WAI groups is what we should do.

[16:43] Shawn: Maybe we can flag this for later and look at it when we are doing the design aspects of the project.

[16:44] Groups: Sounds great

[16:44] ACTION: Shawn will add on the MITS list to reexamine the site map headings, WAI groups, based on later design

[16:45] Jon: The guidelines and techniques are really resources. The guidelines are a major focus of what we are doing and why people would go to the web site.

[16:47] Charmane: If we are having G&T at the high level, then under Resources we will need a repetitive link to that also.

[16:48] Jon: The first five i could see as being global navigations bars. But G&T wouldn't be a global navigation.

[16:50] Jon: G&T highlights the most important resource, but it should live in resource but surface on the outside also. It should be parking lot item.

[16:50] ACTION: Shawn will add to MITS on the site map is G&T separate or under the resources.

[16:52] Shawn: Any Ideas on how to title the business section under the resources ?

[16:53] Charmane: How about "organizational approaches"?

[16:53] Jon: Organizational considerations has too many levels of ambiguity

[16:54] Jon: We need to get some very basic input about what people would under the different sections

[16:55] Jon: Business considerations would be better

[16:56] Charmane: Under certain contexts it will make sense.

[16:56] Shawn: Is there strong objections to certain considerations?

[16:57] ACTION: Shawn will change subhead to Promotion and Implementing Web Accessibility

[16:59] Shawn: I really want to get things wrapped up on this analysis stuff so we can hand it off to WAI and EO for review. Lets work on it on the list this week. Lets be prepared to sign off on these documents this next monday.

[16:59] Shawn: Please look at the overview page.

[17:01] Shawn: We need to keep going and work on it so that we have potential designs so that we can usability test them in march.

[17:01] ACTION: Shawn forward email from michael that didn't get to list.

Last updated $Date: 2004/02/24 22:23:43 $ by $Author: shawn $