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Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility: Financial Factors

This is an old draft. The published version of this document is at

Note : This document is an initial draft [see change log in progress] and should not be referenced or quoted under any circumstances. This document is under development by the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG), and will be offered to other W3C groups and the public for review.


This page describes financial factors relating to Web accessibility. It is part of a resource suite that also describes the social, technical, and legal and policy factors for consideration in presenting a case for Web accessibility.

An organization's efforts to make its Web site accessible often has a financial impact, and can result in positive return on investment and cost efficiencies. Financial costs and benefits in developing accessible Web sites apply differently to specific organizations and situations; for example, costs related to Web accessibility are often lower when building a new site than when fixing an existing site, and sometimes complex sites are less costly to fix than simple sites because they use templates and content management systems. This page provides questions to help focus how financial factors are covered in the business case for a specific organization, and examples of how financial factors can be addressed in a customized case for Web accessibility.

[Focusing?Addressing?Covering?Customizing?] Financial Factors for a Specific Organization

The following points can help focus how financial factors are covered in a specific organization's business case for Web accessibility:

Financial Benefits

Benefits to organziations that provide accessible Web sites include financial benefits from increased Web site use and direct cost savings.

Increased Web Site Use

A major benefit of Web accessibility is the potential for direct and indirect financial gains from increased Web site use. Web accessibility can make it easier for people to find a Web site, access it, and use it successfully, thus resulting in increased audience (more users) and increased effectiveness (more use).

Many organizations benefit financially when more people successfully use their Web site; for example, commercial companies can get more sales, educational institutions can get more students, and non-profit organizations can get more funding and demonstrate to grantees successful outreach and dissemination. Increasingly, Web sites are used to cut costs by decreasing customer support services and letting customers complete transactions online rather than requiring personnel and paper interactions. The many examples of cost savings from online transactions include citizens renewing licenses online, investors trading stock online, and students registering for classes online. Thus, increased site use can result in financial gains and cost savings.

Increase in audience (Web site users) can result from the following benefits of Web accessibility:

Increases potential use by more people, expands potential market share
Accessible sites can be used by more people -- including people with disabilities, older people, people with low literacy, people whose primary language is not the language of the site, people with low bandwidth connections to the Internet, people with older technologies, and new and infrequent Web users, as discussed in Social Factors -- thus increasing the market segments and number of people who can successfully use the site. An important potential market for many organizations is older people. In some countries older people are the fastest growing group of new Web users. [References, F1]
When Web use is a significant part of a job, Web pages and applications that are accessible to more people can help with employee recruiting and employee retention. Employees, customers, and other users who become temporarily or permanently disabled or impaired due to accident, illness, or aging are more likely to be able to continue using a Web site if it is accessible.
Increases findability
Accessibility techniques increase the findability of Web pages by exposing content to search engines, both internally (within a Web site) and externally (across the World Wide Web). For example:

Increase in effectiveness (Web site use) can result from the following benefits of Web accessibility:

Increases potential use in more situations
Accessible sites can be used in more situations. Web sites that can be used by people with disabilities can more easily be used by people with situational limitations, such as:
The "Enable Content on Different Configurations" section of Technical Factors describes how accessibility techniques help Web pages work with different configurations. Situational limitations such as low bandwidth and older technology are discussed in Social Factors.
Increases usability
Accessible sites are generally more usable to everyone, including people with disabilities and people without disabilities. Increased usability means Web site users achieve their goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. When users have a positive experience with a Web site, they are more likely to use the site more thoroughly, return to the site more often, and to tell others about the site ("viral marketing"). Some accessibility guidelines directly increase usability, such as: Other accessibility guidelines can indirectly increase usability, for example, by making Web pages load faster, as discussed in the Access for People with Low Bandwidth Connections to the Internet and Older Technologies section of Social Factors.
Increases positive image
Accessible sites can lead to a positive image as an organization demonstrates social responsibility, as described throughout Social Factors. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been shown to improve financial performance, enhance brand image and reputation, increase sales and customer loyalty, increase ability to attract and retain employees, and provide access to capital and funding. [References, S1]

Direct Cost Savings

In addition to the benefits from increased Web site use discussed above, many organization realize direct cost savings from efforts to improve Web accessibility.

Many of the aspects of Web accessibility that are discussed in Technical Factors (which includes relevant WCAG 1.0 Checkpoints) can provide direct cost savings:

Potential direct costs savings also result from the following benefits of Web accessibility:
Decreases potential for high legal expenses
Where there are laws or regulations requiring accessibility of Web sites, ensuring that sites are accessible reduces legal liability, thereby reducing expenses for attorneys. Legal and Policy Factors discusses policy considerations for different organizations.
Decreases cost of alternative format materials production and distribution
For organizations that have previously provided printed materials in alternate formats (large print, embossed braille, computer disk), an accessible Web site can reduce the need for alternate formats, thus saving production and distribution costs.
Decreases cost of translating
The cost of translating a Web site to other languages can be decreased by following accessibility guidelines for:

Cost Considerations

When accessibility is incorporated from the beginning of Web site development it is often a small percentage of the overall Web site cost. [References, F4] Most of the costs are early investments at an organization level, rather than repeat costs required for each individual project. There are usually few costs associated with accessibility at the project level once accessibility is integrated in Web development throughout an organization.

Initial Costs

When an organization starts incorporating accessibility, there are initial investments in acquiring knowledge, establishing processes, and increased development and testing time.

The following are common personnel-related costs associated with an initial investment in accessibility:

Providing training and skills development
Providing training and skills development includes the cost of training and time away from other work. During skills development there is initially an increase in development and testing time because using new skills is often slower. In addition to training on direct accessibility issues, organizations that move to different technologies in an effort to improve accessibility might incur training costs on the new technologies.
Hiring expertise
Many organizations starting Web accessibility hire employees or consultants with accessibility expertise.
Incorporating accessibility into procedures
Incorporating accessibility into protocols and procedures, such as quality assurance testing and usability evaluation, takes personnel time.
Assessing existing Web site accessibility
When fixing an existing site, assessing (auditing or evaluating) existing Web site accessibility is a common initial cost. The assessment cost is either a direct expense if using a service outside the organization, or a personnel cost if using internal resources. Making accessibility improvements in existing Web sites is almost always more costly in personnel time than incorporating accessibility as sites are initially developed.

Potential initial capital expenditures related to Web accessibility include:

Purchasing accessibility evaluation tools
Web accessibility evaluation tools are software that helps identify accessibility problems. While these are not a required expense, many organizations find that using accessibility evaluation tools saves time and money.
Purchasing assistive technologies
Assistive technologies, such as those listed in Alternative Web Browsing, are used by some people with disabilities to access the Web. Developers, designers, and evaluators sometimes use assistive technologies throughout the development process to understand how people interact with Web pages and to test Web pages.
Upgrading technologies and tools
Sometimes organizations determine that it will be more effective and efficient to implement accessibility with different, usually newer, technologies. For example, some organizations upgrade or change to authoring tool software that better supports production of accessible Web sites. (Selecting and Using Authoring Tools for Web Accessibility includes guidance on evaluating and selecting authoring tools.)

On-Going Costs

When accessibility is new to an organization, incorporating accessibility in a project usually increases the development time and testing time, as people are learning on the job. While most of the costs are associated with initial accessibility efforts, there are some on-going costs to making Web sites accessible, including:

Additional development time
Once project members get experience with accessibility, the development time spent on accessibility decreases significantly, in some cases to none. (This cost is directly offset in some cases by the decrease in development time from some accessibility improvements, as explained in Financial Benefits above.)
Additional development time is required for some types of accessible content, such as providing captions for the audio in multimedia content.
Additional testing time
Organizations committed to providing usable, accessible sites will likely increase testing time. Accessibility testing activities include:

Related Resources

This document is part of the Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility resource suite which includes:

Document Information

Last updated on $Date: 2012/08/01 20:34:14 $ by $Author: shawn $.

Editor: Shawn Lawton Henry. Previous editors: Andrew Arch, Judy Brewer, R Miguel Bermeo. This resource is under development by the active members of the Education and Outreach Working Group.

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