Bert Bos | HTML5 and the Open Web Platform

HTML5 & the Open Web Platform

HTML5 logo

Bert Bos (W3C) <bert@w3.org>

Presented at:
Iran Web Festival
Tehran, Iran
26 January 2012

History of HTML

Version Year Syntax Purpose
before 2.0 ±1991 SGML For hypertext documents
HTML 2.0 1995 SGML Bug fixes, better use of SGML
HTML 3.2 1997 SGML Temporary specification to document various HTML variants, preparation for HTML 4
HTML 4.0 & 4.01 1997, 1999 SGML Support for internationalization, style sheets, accessibility, multimedia and scripting
XHTML 1.0 & 1.1 2000, 2001 XML Alternative syntax of HTML 4 for XML-based environments.

Why HTML5?

No consensus on anything else for creating the UI of Web applications

Small improvements to document mark-up (<time>, <section>, etc.)

Make SVG (Tiny 1.2) and MathML (3.0) a required part of HTML

Document features (1/2)

<time> encode date and/or time (e.g., for microformats)
<aside> footnote/sidenote
<details>, <summary> collapsing/expanding text
<figure>, <figcaption> a figure with a caption
<header>, <footer> introductory, resp., concluding section of a chapter
<hgroup> to create subtitles

Document features (2/2)

<section>, <article> variants of div
<nav> encloses elements that are for navigation, rather than information
<ruby>, <rp>, <rb> ruby annotations
<bdi> bidi isolation, keep words together in bidirectional (right to left) text
MathML MathML 3.0 is included in HTML5
SVG SVG Tiny 1.2 is included in HTML5

SVG filters appled through CSS, not only to SVG, but to any element (proposed feature, first working draft expected soon)

MathML line breaking.

Web Client 2001

Web Client 2011

Over 100 specifications and counting…


Each component follows its own timeline:


HTML5 <video>

<video controls preload=auto poster="poster.png">
 <source src="trailer.mp4" type="video/mp4">
 <source src="trailer.webm" type="video/webm">
 <track kind=subtitles src="brave.en"
   srclang=en label="English">
 <track kind=captions src="brave_bis.en"
   srclang=en label="English for the Hard of Hearing">
 <track kind=subtitles src="brave.fr"
   srclang=fr label="Français">
 <p>Your user agent does not support
  the HTML5 Video element.

Codecs and formats

Codecs and formats

Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
video/mp4 *
video/webm *

* if users install a plugin


Resolution-dependent bitmap canvas

  <canvas width="720" height="400">

Associated APIs:

ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

SVG and Video

You can use SVG to draw the UI

<div id="controls">
 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"...>
  <g id="s-PlayButton">
   <path id="s-PlayLogo"
    d="M 43,10 L 43,22 L 53,16 L 43,10 z"/>
 addEventListener("click", svp_playButton, false);

SVG and Canvas

SVG Canvas
(Google indexes SVG)
vectors pixel operations
object model with hit-testing and events low-level graphics API, no scene graph
performance hit with large number of shapes fast rendering
accessible must create accessible equivalent

SVG vs Canvas

SVG Canvas
user interfaces fast-paced games
scalable images very complex images
interactive animations highly dynamic visualizations
for designers for developers

Forms & Fallbacks

<input placeholder="Type here" type='text'>
<input type='range' min='3' max='18'>
<input type='search' required>
<input type='tel'>
<input type='url'>
<input type='email'>
<input type='date'>
<input type='time'>
<input type='color'>
<input type='number'>
<input type='submit'>

Web Open Font Format (WOFF)

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

(Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll)

Memory Game

A little game written in JavaScript.

The images are actually letters in a font.


MathML3 is included in HTML5:

  <math mode="display">

Web Application APIs

Geolocation API

Different devices and user agents have different ways to determine position.

(Often multiple ways: GPS, Google Location Services…)

Single API for Web applications.

Privacy considerations: device (or user agent) must provide user with ways to easily grant/revoke permission to use location data.

Web Storage

   = "pretty value";

   = window.localStorage['MyValue'];
   = window.sessionStorage['MyValue'];


Audio API

Goal: Advanced audio capabilities for HTML5 audio

Device APIs

Device APIs to access camera, microphones, calendars, address books and system info

Web Performance APIs

Goal: provide methods to enhance aspects of application performance of user agent features and APIs.


Lets computer decide when to draw the next frame

function draw_cb(time) {
  // ... update display here...
  // Re-queue ourselves:

To start an animation:

id = window.requestAnimationFrame(draw_cb);

To cancel a queued request:


Web Real-Time Communications API

See also IETF RTCWeb.

Security Considerations

Be aware of security and privacy considerations before using those features!

As a Web developer:

See also OWASP top 10.

Online Privacy

November 14, 2011: First Draft of Standard for Online Privacy

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA 1.0)

<li role=menuitemcheckbox onclick='...'
  aria-checked=true>Sort by Name</li>

The contract model with accessibility APIs

Status (subset) (1/2)

Status Chrome 13 Firefox 6 IE 9Opera 11.50 Safari 5
Video WD
Video formats - MPEG4 / WebM WebM MPEG4 / WebMWebM MPEG4 / WebM
2D Canvas WD
Forms WD
Multithreading (Workers) WD
Bidirectional protocol WD
Web storage WD
Indexed DB WD
2D Transforms FPWD

Status (subset) (2/2)

Status Chrome 13 Firefox 6 IE 9Opera 11.50 Safari 5
3D Transforms FPWD
Transitions FPWD
Animations FPWD
Fonts WD
Navigation Timing
Media Queries
Drag/drop WD
HTML5 parser WD

Try caniuse.com

Feature Detection!

Do not copy the following code:

if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
 var ieversion=new Number(RegExp.$1) // capture x.x portion and store as a number
 if (ieversion>=9)
  return true;
  return false;

You should write instead:

if (!!navigator.geolocation)

Try Modernizr

Can you use this platform?

What's missing? (1/2)

What's missing? (2/2)

The end



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or contact: Bernard Gidon <bgidon@w3.org>

Bert Bos <bert@w3.org>
GPG fingerprint:
7744 0204 52A5 14D9 147D
2A13 2D7A E420 184B 5BA4