CSS Tutorial


CSS Bert Bos

Cascading Style Sheets

CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands
the 12th of May, 2006

Bert Bos (W3C) <bert@w3.org>

Part 1

Cascading Style Sheets

Part 1 – Principles


Document treerendered page

CSS annotates a tree with style properties

Prior to the Web, a style sheet contained the written instructions from a typographer to a printer. It often used a more or less standard form. Some printer companies provided preprinted forms that the typographer could fill in.

This tutorial assumes that the reader already knows HTML.

Document + style sheet

file.html + file.css opmaak
file file formatted document
(text, images, structure) (style/layout)

Basic syntax

h1 { color: red }
selector { property: value }

Document treeannotated tree

Style properties

A simple example (1/5)

<h2>Ellipsis Points</h2>

<h3>Their Function</h3>

<p>Ellipsis points indicate that either a few letters of a word or one or more words have been omitted.

<p>Grammar calls this omission of words ellipsis. Not every writer achieves Laurence Sterne's mastery of ellipses. Like the em dash, ellipses frequently disguise a writer's impotence to express himself. In most cases, they are expendable.

<p>A poet writes:

<p>I do not know what it could mean<br>
that I am saddened so.<br>
A fable out of ancient times,<br>
it comes from nothing I have known.*

From: Jan Tschichold, The form of the book – essays on the morality of good design

The poem is from Lorelei by Heinrich Heine (translated into English)

A simple example (2/5)

Ellipsis Points

Their Function

Ellipsis points indicate that either a few letters of a word or one or more words have been omitted.

Grammar calls this omission of words ellipsis. Not every writer achieves Laurence Sterne's mastery of ellipses. Like the em dash, ellipses frequently disguise a writer's impotence to express himself. In most cases, they are expendable.

A poet writes:

I do not know what it could mean
that I am saddened so.
A fable out of ancient times,
it comes from nothing I have known.*

The style in a typical browser

A simple example (3/5)

Ellipsis Points

Their Function

Ellipsis points indicate that either a few letters of a word or one or more words have been omitted.

Grammar calls this omission of words ellipsis. Not every writer achieves Laurence Sterne's mastery of ellipses. Like the em dash, ellipses frequently disguise a writer's impotence to express himself. In most cases, they are expendable.

A poet writes:

I do not know what it could mean
that I am saddened so.
A fable out of ancient times,
it comes from nothing I have known.*

body {margin-left: 25%; margin-right: 25%}

A simple example (4/5)

Ellipsis Points

Their Function

Ellipsis points indicate that either a few letters of a word or one or more words have been omitted.

Grammar calls this omission of words ellipsis. Not every writer achieves Laurence Sterne's mastery of ellipses. Like the em dash, ellipses frequently disguise a writer's impotence to express himself. In most cases, they are expendable.

A poet writes:

I do not know what it could mean
that I am saddened so.
A fable out of ancient times,
it comes from nothing I have known.*

body {font-family: Sabon, Baskerville, Didot, serif}
h2, h3 {text-align: center; font-weight: normal}
h2 {font-size: 140%}
h3 {font-size: 100%; font-style: italic}

A simple example (5/5)

Ellipsis Points

Their Function

Ellipsis points indicate that either a few letters of a word or one or more words have been omitted.

Grammar calls this omission of words ellipsis. Not every writer achieves Laurence Sterne's mastery of ellipses. Like the em dash, ellipses frequently disguise a writer's impotence to express himself. In most cases, they are expendable.

A poet writes:

I do not know what it could mean
that I am saddened so.
A fable out of ancient times,
it comes from nothing I have known.*

p {margin: 0; text-align: justify}
p + p {text-indent: 1.5em}
blockquote {margin-left: 5em; font-style: italic}
h2 {margin-bottom: 3em}

The elements of a style language

Value propagation includes all features that help to avoid having to specify all properties for all parts of a document.

Type selectors

Binding in CSS is done with selectors

CSS has selectors for

Elements by name (“type”): h1, p, em
Any element: *


h1 {font-size: 200%; font-weight: bold}

The universal selector (*) is rarely used on its own, usually it is part of a contextual selector.

Contextual selectors

CSS has selectors for

Elements in context: h1 em, li li
Child elements: body > p
Following elements: p + p
First elements: p:first-child
h2 em {color: red}
p em {font-style: italic}
p + p {text-indent: 1em}


<h2>An <em>example</em> header</h2>
<p>First para not indented.
<p>Second para <em>is</em> indented.
<p>Third, too.

An example header

First para not indented.

Second para is indented.

Third, too.

Shows the effect of the three rules on the previous slide.


CSS has selectors for

(Un)visited links: a:link, a:visited
Active/hovered elements: a:active, a:hover
Elements in a language: p:lang(fr)
a:link {color: blue}
a:visited {color: #90F}

Attribute selectors

CSS has selectors for (among others)

Elements by class: div.warning, .note
Elements by ID: p#menu, #sig
Elements by attribute: table[border], a[name="p1"]
p.intro {font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif}
div.warning {border: thin dotted red}
<div class="warning">... <p id="menu">...

In '.note' the '*' is omitted, it is optional.

Class selectors are, after type selectors the most often used kinds of selectors. Classes allow creating subclasses of existing elements and encoding of extra, machine readable information in HTML documents. There is now a groups of people that defines “microformats,” which are sets of classes shared by many people for specific purposes: encoding names & addresses, events, relations among friends (especially blogging friends), etc.


CSS has selectors for

The first line of a paragraph: p::first-line
The first letter of a paragraph: p::first-letter
p::first-letter {
  font-size: 200%;
  float: left}

More selectors

More selectors in CSS level 3

Value propagation

Or: how to avoid specifying all properties on all elements

annotated tree

Value propagation: syntax

Grouping of rules:

p {color: red}
h2 {color: red}
p, h2 {color: red}

p {color: red} p {margin-top: 1em} p {margin-left: 2em}p {color: red; margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 2em}

Some properties also have shorthands, properties that set a number of other properties with a single rule. Examples are 'margin', 'padding', 'border' and 'font'

Value propagation: initial values

All properties have reasonable defaults

p {margin: 0; padding: 0 color: green border: none}p {color: green}

Value propagation: inheritance

Many properties automatically inherit

 <h1>... <em>...</em>...</h1>

body {color: black} h1 {color: black} em {color: black}body {color: black}

Value propagation: cascading

Cascading detail

Link style to document

HTML's link element. (We'll see XML later)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css" type="text/css">

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
  <title>My document</title>
  <link rel=stylesheet href="styles/mystyle.css">
  <h1>My document</h1>

We'll see the corresponding XML mark-up in the second part of this tutorial, together with some variations to allow multiple style sheets.

It is recommended to add the type attribute, but it is not required. The type tells the browser that the style sheet is probably a CSS style sheet, so if the browser only understands XSL style sheets, it can gain time by not trying to download this one.

It's also possible to use an HTTP header (works for any HTML or XML), but that is not widely supported. The HTTP header looks like this:

Link: <http://www.acme.com/corporate.css>; REL=stylesheet

HTTP user agents are not required to implement this.

Style inside document

Can put style sheet inside HEAD of HTML:

<style type="text/css">
body {background: black; color: white}


The amazing em unit

  1. Don't set font size for body
  2. Set all other fonts relatively
    h2 {font-size: 200%}
  3. Specify all margins, indents, etc. in em
    margin-left: 2em; width: 10em

⇒ page will be readable for every user!

Several examples already showed the '%' and 'em' units.

People with good screens and good eyes typically use smaller default fonts than people with bad screens and bad eyes. By not touching the font size for the body element, it will get the user's default size and all other sizes will be relative to this font.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in [floating image] reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum Et harumd und lookum like Greek to me, dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Nam liber te conscient to factor tum poen legum odioque civiuda. Et tam neque pecun modut est neque nonor et imper ned libidig met, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed ut labore et dolore magna aliquam makes one wonder who would ever read this stuff? Bis nostrud exercitation ullam mmodo consequet. Duis aute in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum.

Floating sidebar

This sidebar is made with the 'float' property

p.sidebar {
  float: right;
  width: 30%;
  margin-left: 1em;
  border: solid red;
  padding: 0.5em}

(More examples in part 2)

Not only images can float, the 'float' property can be applied to any element. The value can be 'right' or left'.

It is usually a good idea to add a bit of margin on the side where the other text wraps around the float. In this case 1em.

A box that has a border typically needs some padding as well, otherwise the border is too close to the text.

Absolute positioning

Positioned box

div.box {
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px; right: 4em;
  width: 6em}

Containing blocks (1/3)

Positioning is relative to a CB

Consider this HTML fragment:

<DIV ID=container>
  <P><SPAN ID=w01>This</SPAN>
    <SPAN ID=w02>line</SPAN>
    <SPAN ID=w03>has</SPAN>
    <SPAN ID=w04>exactly</SPAN>
    <SPAN ID=w05>six</SPAN>
    <SPAN ID=w06>words</SPAN>

Containing blocks (2/3)

Make #container into a CB
Place the spans relative to it:

#container { position: relative; border: solid;
  width: 9em; height: 9em }
#w01 { position: absolute; top: 17%; left: 44% }
#w02 { position: absolute; top: 56%; left: 74% }
#w03 { position: absolute; top: 84%; left: 07% }
#w04 { position: absolute; top: 26%; left: 23% }
#w05 { position: absolute; top: 55%; left: 36% }
#w06 { position: absolute; top: 12%; left: 30% }

Containing blocks (3/3)

This line has exactly six words

Part 2

Cascading Style Sheets

Part 2 – Advanced CSS

Part 2 – table of contents

… without CSS3 features

Horizontal centering 1/2

… of lines in a paragraph

h3, p {text-align: center}

The title

A paragraph with text, of which all lines are centered between the margins instead of aligned to either or both margins.

Horizontal centering 2/2

… of images and blocks

img {display: block; margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto}

This is some text that is justified, but the image in the middle is centered between the margins: [laughing laptop image] The text continues after it and is again justified.


<p>This is some text that is justified, but the image in the middle is centered between the margins: <img src="MMI-PC-genie-r.png" alt="[laughing laptop image]"> The text continues after it and is again justified.

Ditto with blocks

This paragraph is 7 em wide and centered in the surrounding block.

p.blk {width: 7em;
  margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto}


<p class=blk>This paragraph is 7&nbsp;em wide and centered in the surrounding block.

Vertical centering (1/2)

Only table cells can be vertically centered…

… so turn the element into a table cell

Vertical centering (2/2)

The text of this paragraph is vertically centered.

div.container {display: table}
p {display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;
  height: 100%}

In CSS3, we want to have a simple property to vertically center an element in its parent, without the need to convert the element and its parent to a table.

Alternative styles

A document can have more than one style sheet
A feature of HTML and XML, not (yet) of CSS itself

Three kinds of style sheets:

Persistent style sheets

For the common parts of all alternatives


<link rel="stylesheet" href="...


<?xml-stylesheet href="...

Preferred style sheets

The default among a number of alternative styles.


<link rel="stylesheet" title="A name for the style" href="...


<?xml-stylesheet title="A name for the style" href="...

Alternative style sheets

Styles the reader can choose from


<link rel="alternate stylesheet" title="A name for the style" href="...


<?xml-stylesheet alternate="yes" title="A name for the style" href="...

Alternative styles demo

From the CSS tips & tricks page.

Print style sheets

First a demo: “Randoxygène site of the regional government of the Alpes-Maritimes, France [original]

And another: these slides

Print media

The media of a style sheet can be specified in HTML, XML and CSS:

<link rel=stylesheet media=print href="...

<?xml-stylesheet media=print href="...

@media print {...}

Mobile phones

Same principle:

<link rel=stylesheet media=handheld href="...

<?xml-stylesheet media=handheld href="...

@media handheld {...}

Liquid 2-column layouts

“Liquid” = adapts to window size

a fixed banner

flexible body content


<h2>Walking in the sand</h2>
<ul class=menu>
  <li><a href=".">Home</a>
  <li class=current><a href=".">Wet sand</a>
  <li><a href=".">White sand</a>
  <li><a href=".">North Sea</a>
  <li><a href=".">Mediterranean</a>
  <li class=contact><a href=".">Contact</a>

<div class=main>
  <h3>Flexible body content</h3>
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor...
  <p><img...> Irure dolor in...
  <p><img...> Tia non ob...
  <p>Plasa maku noga...

Desired result

screendump of the demo


Proposed CSS3 solution

body {display: "aa"/80px
               10em *
h2 {position: a}
ul.menu {position: b}
div.main {position: c}

(Syntax only tentative)

Difficulties for CSS2


Solution (1/4)

Make sure things align to the window sides:

body {margin: 0}

Float menu to the left:

ul.menu {
  margin: 0.5em 0;
  width: 10em;
  float: left}

Solution (2/4)

Make the black bar as the main text's border:

div.main {
  border-left: 10em solid black;
  padding: 1px 0 0 1em}

Top padding non-zero to avoid collapsing margins.

Solution (3/4)

Make sure body isn't shorter than menu:

div.main:after {
  content: "\A0";
  display: block;
  clear: left}

The banner

h2 {
  background: url(sea.jpg) repeat-x;
  margin: 0;
  color: #F63;
  text-shadow: 0.05em 0.1em 0.1em black;
  font: 50px/80px Sand, Textile,
    Marker Felt, Chalkboard, Comic Sans,
  white-space: nowrap;
  text-align: center}

Line is vertically centered in the line-height. The 'nowrap' ensures the height of the element is always 80px.


The principle:

a {... normal style...}
a:link {... unvisited links...}
a:visit {... visited links...}
a:active {...during activation...}
a:hover {... mouse hovers...}

Simple rollover example

a:hover {background: red; color: white}

This link goes nowhere.

Rollover image replacement

Try the image: link

#ex7a {display: inline-block;
  width: 152px; height: 52px;
  background: url(link1.png);
  overflow: hidden; text-indent: 152px}
#ex7a:hover {background: url(link2.png)}

Images image1 and image2

Faster rollovers

Try the image: link

#ex8a {display: inline-block;
  width: 152px; height: 52px;
  background: url(link3.png);
  overflow: hidden; text-indent: 152px}
#ex8a:hover {background: url(link3.png)
  -152px 0}

Single image image1

Rounded corners (1/4)

Level 3 will have 'border-radius' and 'box-shadow', but you can make rounded corners and shadows with level 2, too…

This box has a rounded green background and a drop shadow.

 <p>This box has a rounded...

And, of course, without changing the mark-up.

Rounded corners (2/4)

Make five images:

top left corner top right corner
background and right edge
bottom left corner bottom and bottom left corner

Rounded corners (3/4)

blockquote {
  max-width: 620px;
  background: url(rs-right.png) right repeat-y }
blockquote::before {
  display: block;
  line-height: 0;
  background: url(rs-topright.png) top right
  content: url(rs-topleft.png) }
blockquote::after {
  display: block;
  line-height: 0;
  background: url(rs-bottomright.png) bottom right
  content: url(rs-bottomleft.png) }

Since our background image is 620px wide, we can't allow boxes wider than 620px, without getting gaps. That's why the 'max-width' property is there. The 'display: block' property is needed to make sure the generated content forms boxes of its own above and below the main content, instead of being inserted on the first and last line. The 'line-height: 0' makes sure there is no room for left open for ascenders and descenders above and below the images in the 'content' property.

See the tips & tricks for more details.

The :target pseudo-class

See demo

The :target pseudo-class

... <a href="#p2">...
... <p id=p2>...


Use media="projection"

or @media projection

and rules like these:

h1 { page-break-before: always }
div.slide {page-break-after: always}

See these slides for an example!