W3C Ryan Lee


200 Technology Square #346
Cambridge, MA 02139
IRC: ryanlee or ryan-lap


I work in the Technology and Society Domain on Semantic Web Advanced Development, particularly in providing examples of how to use Semantic Web technology in useful tools (for developers) as well as demonstrating what kind of output those tools can provide (for consumers).

I also wrote my master's thesis while a student at MIT with W3C.


Starting from late 2002, I've worked on the following:

Working Group Information Extraction, using XSLT and certain markup guidelines to extract RDF out of each Working Group's XHTML page. Some Working Groups are Member-only, which means you as a public viewer will just have to trust me when I say the RDF has been used in some interesting applications.

At A Glance (documentation), with Eric Miller. At A Glance is a news feed aggregator for RSS 1.0 compliant feeds. The configuration is done in RDF, and RDF allows us to do some interesting (again, Member-only) things with the data.

Visualizing Technical Report History used the RDF from the W3C Technical Reports and other (yes, again) Member-only sources to generate graphical representations of publication history in SVG form. See also the TR normative references SVG graph.

I also do various things from a Team-only perspective. I try to think of ways to swirl RDF data into interesting patterns when I have a free moment. I'm interested in seeing more people adopt Semantic Web technology and seeing technology in general become less intrusive and more useful on an every day scale.

Interesting RDF Schemas

This is a list I keep to track RDF schemas I find I use often. These are variably in RDF/XML or RDF/N3.

$Date: 2003/08/26 18:22:43 $
Ryan Lee ryanlee@w3.org

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