Dan Connolly

At Work: Leader, Architecture Areas, W3C/MIT

I'm on staff of the World Wide Web Consortium in the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT. I lead the architecture areas, and I'm a contact point for:

Contact Info: Don't use it indiscriminantly!

I serve as W3C contact point for the above areas, and I participate in various internet forums. But unsolicited email, and phone calls are most unwelcome. I don't generally read faxes unless you notify me about it via email and I acknowledge the notification.

If you've exhausted all the resources here (plus your local gurus and friends) and you're convinced that you're stuck unless you contact me, here's how to do it:

Dan Connolly
Leader of Architecture Areas

+1 512 310-2971
(stay tuned for fax number)
2302 Alimony Cove
Austin, TX 78727-3149

In former lives, you might have known me as connolly@hal.com, connolly@atrium.com, or connolly@convex.com.

Most of what I know and what I find interesting is available by browsing around here.

If you're thinking of asking me a question by mail or phone, unless you've got reason to believe that I'm the only one who has the answer, please try the web info here at W3C, or the search services, newsgroups, or mailing lists first.

Sometimes I make reference to some tool, project, or technology in a mail message or article, without citing a source (shame on me!). You can probably find the same way I did: in an automated search service or edited collection.

In Real Life

It's A Boy! -- Justin Daniel Connolly was born April 10.

See also: Background, hobbies, interests (pretty out of date), Vita.

My Contributions to the Net/Web Community

Highlights of events, publications, code, etc., roughly in newest-first order

Jun 96
W3C/OMG workshop on distributed objects and mobile code
Spring 96
edited Issue 2 of the Web Journal, a W3C/O'Reilly publication
Nov 95
edited the HTML 2.0 specification, aka RFC1866
Oct 95
An Evaluation of the World Wide Web as a Platform for Electronic Commerce
Nov 94
HalSoft HTML Validation Service, now the HTML Validation Service and Toolkit, mainained by Mark Gaither.
Feb 93
Sep 92
XcRichText a Motif Widget to display rich text

My calendar of events includes trip reports from past events, plus info about future interesting events. If you need a short bio for a conference program, see: my entry in the "W3C People"

I keep some support info on the code above. My WWW Research Notebook has been almost completely merged into the W3C web in general.

I have participated in several working groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force, especially HTML, URI, and HTTP.

You may use my PGP key to check digital signatures that I've made, provided you know anybody that's signed it! (This is my new 1024 bit key. I'll sign it with my old 512 bit key from HaL when I get a chance.)

What I think...

ApacheWeek is cool
These guys do a great job with Apache and HTTP issues in general. Check it out!
USENET is worth saving
See Boutell on Saving USENET
The MENU element should work with stylesheets
... to represent the following idiom:

Search | Index | Products | Services

See also:

You should be able to link to a specific line or word
... without modifying the target document. This would be a straightforward extension to URI fragment identifiers. For example:

See also:

A web page count facility should be adopted
ala &http-count and a Visit-Count: http header (see www-talk archives)
Directories/Indexes need to be distributed
Information providers should make summaries of their stuff available via gatherers. Indexes like Yahoo should be big brokers (in their case, perhaps some gatherers too...). I should be able to pick and choose between the gatherers and build my own broker of stuff I'm interested in.
The Web is about Knowledge Exchange, not just Broadcasting
A big imagemap is a crime. Rich information representation promotes exchange. Formal systems are cool. This is what got me into HTML in the first place.
Downloadable software should be digitally signed.
prevent viruses. Be accountable!
$Id: index.html,v 1.47 1996/12/03 17:39:34 connolly Exp $