red house Bruno's house has many exits..:

[WWW Guide] by Kevin Hughes, EIT (same in NZ). [Oxford]Libraries

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The Internet Movie Database
"Musi-Cal" Musical Calendar
Olympics 1996
Directory Services
InterNIC Directory Services Login with NETFIND !
Academic phone books (Gopher, worldwide)


Swiss people & friends

  • My Birthday | | Biorhythtm .
  • For Scorpios: your week | | your day

    FFF: For Friends and Family: (alpha-sort)
    Swiss Rail News and for "Ar-Ar" Urs | | Ice Skating for Bik | | "Der Spiegel" für Birgit | | Clare (finger) | | finger-gateway (at IU) | | The Bible for Daniel / Harris | | Le WebLouvre pour Ghislaine | | The Underground Astrologer and SPIRIT-WWW, Spiritual Consciousness on WWW for Gunda, Bii (USA-mirror). | | St Petersburg Web with The other 'spb' for Marina (list) (cyrillic) | | Kunststuben Küsnacht für ZfU-Leute und G.Bush

    Internet Relay Chat FAQ | | Rolling Stones' Voodoo Lounge for all grufties | | and The White House for Al and Bill.

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    BFG, 7-Apr-95